Monday, November 29, 2010


Black Mountain Presbyterian Church and Michael Barker, music director, present JinglePipes a fun organ concert for Christmas, Wednesday evening December 15 at 6PM at the church, 117 Montreat Road, Black Mountain.

The program will include favorite Christmas carols and songs plus beloved classical pieces for the season.

Special guests will be the Percussion Ensemble from Owen Middle School under the direction of J. Tyson Hamrick.

The concert will last about 45 minutes, is free and appropriate for all ages. Please join us.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Worship Music 112810

Gathering Song(s)
Come, now, O Prince of Peace (STF 2232)
Magnify the Lord

Opening Song
Here I am to worship

Gloria, Gloria (PH 576)

Affirmation of Faith
O come, O come, Emmanuel

Comfort, comfort, you my people

Glory and gratitude and praise

Garber, My soul magnifies the Lord

Closing Song
Light dawns on a weary world

2, Come thou long-expected Jesus (HYFRYDOL)
9, O come, O come, Emmanuel

Introit/Advent Wreath
Plainsong, Savior of the Nations, Come (PH 14)

Gloria, gloria (576)

Glory and gratitude and praise

Music during Communion
5, Let all mortal flesh keep silence (PICARDY) (choir/congregation)
Bach, “Sleepers wake!” A voice astounds us (organ)
2232, Come now, O Prince of Peace (O So So) (choir, congregation)

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: JS Bach, Savior of the nations, come
Offertory: Keith Chapman, Pastorale
Postlude: Arr. Robert Hobby, Sleepers, Wake

Dinner Theater 2010

Black Mountain Presbyterian Church announces the menu for In Bethlehem Inn. The dinner theater will be held on Sunday evening December 12. There will be two seatings, 5PM and 7PM. Reservations are required. There is no set admission; donations will be accepted at the table. Many of the players are returning for this second year of the production, including Scott Roy and Annie Hall as the innkeeper and his wife.

Chef de Cuisine is Carol Tyson and Executive Chef is Margie Tyas.
The menu:
Greens of Gailee Tossed Salad
Shepherds Pie (beef, green beans, cheesy-potatoes)
Manna-from-Heaven Rolls
Fruits of the Oasis Trifle
Coffee, Tea, Water, Assorted Crackers

See a current issue of the Window for more information. Contact the church office to make reservations.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Music for 112110

Gathering Song(s)
Jesus, name above all names
He is exalted

Opening Song(s)
All hail the power of Jesus’ name

Celebration of Forgiveness
You are my King (Amazing love)

Canedo, Jesus Christ is Lord

Joel Raney, At his name

Give thanks (refrain)

Closing Song
In Christ alone

155, Rejoice, the Lord is king (DARWELL’S 148TH)
148, At the name of Jesus (KING’S WESTON)
423, Jesus shall reign where’er the sun (DUKE STREET)

Marie Pooler, Thanksgiving
Carol Choir

Celebration of Forgiveness
Purcell, Glory be to God the Father (WESTMINSTER ABBEY)

Joel Raney, At his name


Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Michael Barker, Cadix
Summit Ringers
Offertory: Cindy Berry, At the name of Jesus
Chancel Choir
Postlude: Karg-Elert, Now thank we all our God

Friday, November 12, 2010

Music for November 14

Gathering Song(s)
Holy, holy, holy ((STF 2007)
Surely it is God who saves me (STF 2030)

Opening Song(s)
Made me glad

Celebration of Forgiveness
Celtic Alleluia (STF 2043)

Thy Word

More love, more power

Give thanks (refrain) (STF 2036)

Closing Song
Go forth in his name

210, Our God, our help in ages past (ST. ANNE)
339, Be thou my vision (SLANE)
432, Song of Hope (ARGENTINA) (sung twice)

Celebration of Forgiveness
2043, Celtic Alleluia (CELTIC ALLELUIA)

Arr. Drummond Wolff, When in our music God is glorified
Follow the text at PH#264
Chancel Choir, Julie Howard, trumpet


Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Arr. Arnold B. Sherman, When in our music God is glorified
Adult Handbells, Julie Howard, trumpet
Offertory: Burgmueller, Rondo in A Minor
Nick Murphy, piano
Postlude: Arr. David N. Johnson, Now thank we all our God

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Music for 110710

Gathering Song(s)
Praise to the Lord the Almighty
Come all you people

Opening Song(s)
Siyahamba/We are marching

Celebration of Forgiveness
Halle, halle, halleluja

Dan Goeller, Joyful, joyful, we adore thee and Asifiwe Bwana

Responses by Leon Roberts
For all the saints (STF 2283)

Closing Song
Soon and very soon

477, Ye servants of God (HANOVER)
Sing for God’s glory (LOBE DEN HERREN)

Celebration of Forgiveness
2026, Halle, halle, hallelujah (HALLE, HALLE)

With “Alleluias” (LASST UNS ERFREUEN)

Music during Communion
Responses: Leon Roberts (music graphics)
Congregational Song:
364, I sing a song of the saints of God and
Soon and very soon

Benediction Response
2235, We are marching in the Light of God (SIYAHAMBA)

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Walther, Lobe den Herren
Offertory: Arr. Dan Goeller, Joyful, joyul we adore thee and Asifiwe bwana
Postlude: NA

Monday, November 1, 2010


New to our All Saints Sunday worship this year will be a tintinabulum. Use of the tinntinabulum has increased among some liturgical congregations in recent years as part of the All Saints observance. In the Middle Ages the tinntinabulum served the practical function of alerting the people of Rome to the approach of the Pope during papal processions. In modern usage it relates to honoring saints of the church, and most particularly, for Reformed congregations utilizing this symbol, it honors all faithful Christians who have died and rest from their labors and represents the priesthood of all believers and brings to mind the whole cycle of God's redeeming work represented in observance of the church year. The newly-constructed tinntinabulum for Black Mountain Presbyterian Church is built on a Tau cross. Ribbons of various colors, representative of the church year, are hung from the cross-piece. Included in the color array are black ribbons, representing each church member who has died since last All Saints. Bells are tied to some of the ribbons as an audible symbol of God's presence. Further the bells create a subtle sound of joy for God's grace in the lives of God's saints living and deceased.

Spooky Music!

Some images from PipeScreams II: Scream Louder. Thanks to photographers Charlotte Sprawls and Levi Bannerman.