Thursday, June 19, 2014

New baptismal font

On June 8 FirstLight worship dedicated a new baptismal font for use in that service. Since beginning in 2007, FirstLight has “borrowed” the sanctuary font for water rites. Art De Jong perceived a need, began a conversation with key leaders in the congregation and then designed, built and donated a wood frame, glass bowl and glass pitcher for use in FirstLight. Art’s commitment to fostering FirstLight has been constant over the years, and this was a logical outgrowth of that commitment.  After consulting with Shannon Kershner and Mike Barker in February of this year, and getting approval from the Worship & Music ministry and Session, Art constructed the wood frame himself; he commissioned the bowl and pitcher from John Miquel Almaguer of Asheville. We are thankful to Art for his long-standing commitment to worship at FirstLight, his generosity in offering and creating this fine piece of liturgical furniture, and to God for bringing this fruit to bear.

Music for 062214

Gathering Song(s)
Opening Song
            Come all you people
            Praise to the Lord, the almighty
Prayer of Praise Response/Confession
            We sing of your glory
            Love the Lord (Lincoln Brewster)
Closing Song
            Christ beside me
            35, Praise ye the Lord, the Almighty (LOBE DEN HERREN)
            737, Lord Jesus, you shall be my song (LE PETITES SOEURS)
            702, Christ be beside me (BUNESSAN)
Confession Response
            We sing of your glory (STF 2011)
606, Praise God from whom all blessings flow (OLD HUNDREDTH)
Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Arr. Paul Manz, Voluntary on BUNESSAN
Offertory:   Johann Walther, Lobe den Herren
Postlude:  Johann Walther, Concerto in D, Allegro