Thursday, April 30, 2009

Teaching Gig

I will be a workshop presenter at the Montreat Conference Center's "Proclaiming the Text" seminar in this summer (June 1-5, with my workshop on TU and TH June 2 and 4, beginning at 2PM each time). I was lined up because of the BMPCNC's work leading up to the implementation of FirstLight and the impact that service has had on our congregational life.

Here's the blurb I wrote to describe my workshop:

Authentic and Vibrant Worship: Worship in the context of a global church offers myriad opportunities and challenges. We’ll explore emerging worship forms and patterns and consider how to evaluate them for use within the context of the Reformed tradition and that of congregations hungry for new expressions of worship.

I will be repeating the same content on two afternoons in a 2-hour block. I think for the first part of the time I'll talk in theoretical terms about worship trends in the new century. In the second part of the time I'll get concrete with details about how FirstLight evolved and how we develop the service weekly.

I hope some readers will attend. If you do plan to attend, and take in my workshop and have a notion you'd like to bat around, drop me a line in the combox. I'll gladly take it into consideration.

Music for 050309

Gathering Song(s)
As the deer

Opening Song
Cry of my heart

Halle, halle, hallelujah

There is a longing in our hearts

Alleluia, give thanks

Closing Song
Spirit Song

11 AM
108, Christ is alive (TRURO)
335, Though I may speak (O WALY WALY)
376, Love divine all loves excelling (HYFRYDOL)

Vulpius, Good Christians all rejoice and sing

O’Carroll, Celtic Alleluia

Pote, Psalm 139

592 Lasst uns erfreuen
With alleluias

Tisserand, O Sons and daughters let us sing

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Hill, Variations on TRURO
Offertory: Arr. Giamanco, Easter Chorale,
O Sons and Daughters, Let Us Sing
Postlude: Purcell, Voluntary in C

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Site Stats

You may have noticed at the bottom of the page is a "SiteMeter" image/link. Several months ago I decided to track the number of "hits" this blog gets (the number of times people arrive at the site and how many pages they look at).

As of this morning there have been about 3400 hits on the site, for a total of more than 5000 page views (that's where a single visitor clicks around on more than one article, or perhaps looks at older articles in the archives, indexed in the right column). An average week sees 25-35 hits (I get a weekly report from SiteMeter).

A cool feature that SiteMeter provides is the ability to see where visitors are coming from (for bmpcncmuz that includes Great Britain, Peru, Australia and Canada, as well as most every state in the US).

One can also see what brought a visitor to the site. In many cases that is a search. Some recent searches that people performed which in turn brought them to the blog include: "jody lindh" whose songs the Aerie Singers have performed this spring; "words to joy in the morning sleeth" an anthem the adult choir did last year; "chords santo santo santo mi corazon te adora" a song that the Prophets have led at FirstLight several times; "emory underwood" whose photos we used in the bell festival article this week.

I find that just fascinating. I figured church folks would use the site to learn what was going on musically in the life of our church and there does seem to be plenty of that (users based in the Asheville area using Bellsouth and Charter). But more surprising is the incredible number of folks who stumble onto the site having searched for information about a song that we have used in worship, or a composer whose music we have used.

Another tidbit: There is a comment on the Easter Sunday music article from the composer of the choir anthem at 11AM. Mark L. Williams thanked us for using his piece.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Zimerman takes on politics

Krystian Zimerman has stirred up the music world with remarks he made at the end of a Sunday concert last weekend in Los Angeles. Here is a review of the concert which includes details of the remarks regarding the US. I heard Zimerman in Berlin when he was still up-and-coming. He is now one of the world's best pianists, and seems to have used that clout to make a political statement.

I know not all the readers of this blog share Zimerman's outlook and opinion. I'm not sure that making such a statement in the context of a concert was wise or well-thought. I share this for the way in which music is being used to make a political statement.

When I heard Zimerman, I thought he was quite good. The concert became etched in my mind as much for where I was for four months (based in Munich and traveling through Western Europe and then-East Germany) as for the musicality (and age: I'm just a couple of years younger) of the performer. I have been aware of Zimerman's rise in the musical world through his recordings, though the details of his quirkiness (shared in the review) had escaped my notice.

Handbell Festival

The Adult Handbell Ringers attended the 16th annual Blue Ridge Festival in Hendersonville last weekend. The event has morphed into an Area event and so was somewhat expanded (237 ringers this year) and included classes this time around. Lee Afdahl was a very personable clinician, and had plenty of fans, despite his tendency to keep up to tempo on the pieces! Many of the ringers were working hard to keep up with the pace! The facilities at Bonclarken were very nice if not without a couple of issues and the weather was great for walking between classes and rehearsals. Here is a link to some photos, and the gadget in the right column is a slide show of all the photos. Thanks to Emory Underwood for attending with his darling wife, Angie, and for taking these shots and letting us share them. A couple of close-in shots reveal just how much concentration is required when one is flying through bell music at warp speed. The group from Brasstown, NC had some very cool, extra-large chimes; look for them in the show.

In the photo here (taken during the closing concert), our group is the second row from the bottom, which made us second in line right in front of the clinician; daunting to say the least. We actually had only 5 of our regular ringers, but we were augmented with three ringers from Marion, NC and a 4th from Charlotte.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Worship Music 042609

Gathering Song(s)
Open our eyes, Lord
Jesus Messiah
Opening Song
Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
Halle, halle, hallelujah
We are an offering
Alleluia, give thanks (106.R)
Cares Chorus
Closing Song
Are not our hearts

11 AM
104, Christ is risen, shout hosanna (HYMN TO JOY)
85, What wondrous love is this (WONDROUS LOVE)
485, To God be the glory (TO GOD BE THE GLORY)
Vulpius, Good Christians all, rejoice and sing
O’Carroll, Celtic Alleluia

Sjolund, O Sons and daughters let us sing
592 Lasst uns erfreuen
With alleluias
Music during Communion
Tisserand, O sons and daughters
Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Arr. Manz, Let us ever walk with Jesus
Offertory: Arr. Shearing, I know my Redeemer lives
Postlude: Clarke, Trumpet Voluntary

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Resurrection Sunday

Opening Song
That’s why we praise him
Caribbean, Halle, halle, hallelujah
Come and rejoice
Fischel, Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord
Caribbean, I am the bread of life
Closing Song
Jesus Christ is risen today (EASTER HYMN)

11 AM
(In procession) 123, Jesus Christ is risen today (EASTER HYMN)
113, Christ the Lord is risen today (LLANFAIR)
Palestrina, Alleluia
Celtic Alleluia
Praise God from whom all blessings flow (with alleluias)
Music during Communion
Eslinger in C (NICEA)
G. F. Handel, Hallelujah, from Messiah
Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Feierlicher Einzug (Festive Procession)
Richard Strauss
Offertory: Mark L. Williams, Christ the Lord is risen today
Chancel Choir
Postlude: Carillon de Westminster (Pieces de Fantasie, opus 53/VI)
Louis Vierne

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Music for 040509 Palm-Passion Sunday

Gathering Song(s)
The King of glory comes (2091)
All hail king Jesus (2069)
Opening Song
Hosanna, Hosanna (2109)
Lakota Prayer
Michael W. Smith, Lamb of God
Give thanks
Responsive Sung Lord’s Prayer
Closing Song
All glory laud and honor

11 AM
88, All glory, laud and honor (VALET WILL ICH DIR GEBEN)
91, Ride on, ride on in majesty (ST. DROSTANE)
Natalie Sleeth, Everywhere I Go
Carol Choir
Greatorex, Glory be to the Father (579)
Jody Lindh, Lift up your heads
Aerie Singers
Andy Gwynn, bass;
Faith Bradley, Charlotte Sprawls, Emily Wasser, handbells
Threlfal, Hosanna in the highest
Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Kellner, Valet will ich der geben
Offertory: Thiman, Lift up your heads
Chancel Choir
Postlude: Alec Wyton, Palm-Passion Sunday Fanfare

Of note: be sure to hear both tunes woven into Wyton's Palm Sunday fanfare. This piece sets the stage for Holy Week quite well.