Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Zimerman takes on politics

Krystian Zimerman has stirred up the music world with remarks he made at the end of a Sunday concert last weekend in Los Angeles. Here is a review of the concert which includes details of the remarks regarding the US. I heard Zimerman in Berlin when he was still up-and-coming. He is now one of the world's best pianists, and seems to have used that clout to make a political statement.

I know not all the readers of this blog share Zimerman's outlook and opinion. I'm not sure that making such a statement in the context of a concert was wise or well-thought. I share this for the way in which music is being used to make a political statement.

When I heard Zimerman, I thought he was quite good. The concert became etched in my mind as much for where I was for four months (based in Munich and traveling through Western Europe and then-East Germany) as for the musicality (and age: I'm just a couple of years younger) of the performer. I have been aware of Zimerman's rise in the musical world through his recordings, though the details of his quirkiness (shared in the review) had escaped my notice.

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