Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Hymn Society Conference

I heard this little nugget at breakfast today. I have been pondering all morning, and probably will continue to do so for some time.  I hope you find it as thought-provoking as did I. Gracia Grindal, a prolific hymn text writer, shared this. I am not sure if it's her own adage or not. If she mentioned a source in the conversation, I missed it.

Harmony is chronological.

Rhythm is geographic.

Melody is universal.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Music for 070713

Gathering Song(s)
Cantad al Senor The King of glory comes (STF 2091)

Opening Song
Holy is the Lord

Prayer of Confession Response
Your mercy flows

Jesus Messiah

Here is bread

Closing Song
Go forth in his name

429, Lord you give the great commission (ABBOT’S LEIGH)
525, Here I am, Lord (HERE I AM)

Confession Response
2033, Glory to God (MACHU PICHU)

592, Praise God from whom all blessings flow (OLD HUNDREDTH)

Music during Communion
Responses: Eslinger in C
Distribution: F.M Veracini, Largo from Sonata in E Minor
Alice Keith Knowles, violin

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Fritz Kreisler, Praeludium
Alice Keith Knowles, violin
Offertory:  Charles Callahan, Voluntary on Abbot’s Leigh
Postlude:  John Stanley, Trumpet Voluntary in D