Thursday, April 24, 2014

Music for 042714

I am away this weekend and leaving music leadership in the capable hands of Andy Gwynn (830AM) and Mary Norton (11AM). That coupled with "low Sunday," makes for one of the most pared down music lists of the year. Pete Peery from the Montreat Conference Center will be the preacher.

Gathering Song(s)
            This is the day
Every time I feel the Spirit (in D)
Opening Song
            The heart of worship
            Glory, glory, hallelujah
            Down to the river to pray
Closing Song    
Wade in the water (STF 2107)

11 AM
248, Christ is risen, shout hosanna! (HYMN TO JOY)
257, The risen Christ (WOODLANDS)
817, We walk by faith and not by sight (DUNLAP’S CREEK)
            581, Glory be to the Father (GLORIA PATRI)
            Praise God from whom all blessings flow (LASST UNS ERFREUEN)
Instrumental/Organ Music
            Prelude: TBA Mary Norton
Offertory:  TBA Mary Norton
Postlude:  TBA Mary Norton