Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Royal Wedding music

Robert Quinney (b. 1976), sub-organist at Westminster Abbey, provided organ music for the royal wedding in 2011.  Here he is part of a short interview with a commentator who obviously knows some about music-making.  The video is a nice introduction to the organ in general, and a tantalizing look at the Abbey instrument in particular.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Music for 071512

Gathering Song(s)
Jubilate everybody
King of kings and Lord of lords

Opening Song
The King of glory comes

Prayer of Confession Response

Shalom chaverim

David Hekking, guitar

Closing Song
We are marching
465, Here O Lord, your servants gather (TOKYO)
280, Amazing grace how sweet the sound (NEW BRITAIN)
2235, We are marching (SIYAHAMBA)

Prayer of Confession Response
Glory to God whose goodness

592, Praise God, from whom all blessings flow (OLD HUNDREDTH)

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude:  William Boyce, Voluntary and Fugue in A
Offertory:   Arr. Stearns, Amazing Grace
Postlude:  WF Bach, Fugue in A Minor