Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Virtual Lenten Small Group session 7

I had been releasing my videos on Thursday each week during Lent, and that meant the last one was released on Maundy Thursday. It focused on the crucifixion, with a little glimpse of hope. This was our artist's reflection.

Virtual Lenten Small Group session 6

 The theme for this session was "night," using a verse from Psalm 19. Our artist used this as his reflection.

Virtual Lenten Small Group session 5

 The word for this session was "slow," with music by Florence Price and and modern art piece by Eric Pause. Our in-house artist created this reflection on all of that.

Virtual Lenten Small Group session 4

 The fourth week of our small group used Isaiah 40 as its jumping off point. This was our artists reflection on all the material for that week.

Virtual Lenten Small Group session 3

 This was our artists take on the material from our third session of the virtual Lenten small group.