Thursday, August 23, 2007

Music for worship this Sunday

The chancel choir will be singing an anthem by Lloyd Pfautsch, "Seek to Serve." Based on ancient chant melodies, this is a strikingly simple and haunting anthem. The text is a powerful prayer of commitment to mission and service. The choir will also be singing "Jesus Calls Us" to the tune Pleading Savior at the Introit. Mike Barker will be performing a hymn arrangement by Richard Elliot, "Lord Teach Me to Walk in the Light," at the prelude, an offertory by Dom Paul Benoit, and a weighty postlude by American composer James Hotchkiss Rogers. Global worship music will be a feature at both services this week, with a prayer song from Tanzania and a sung Prayer for Illumination which has a strong Middle Eastern tone. Congregational songs at Firstlight will include the classics "You Are My Hiding Place" and "We Will Glorify the King of Kings" plus "Made Me Glad" and "That's Why We Praise Him." The Prophets of Praise will be singing the hymn "Come ye Sinners" by Joseph Hart (1712-1768) in a new setting by Matthew S. Smith at Indelible Grace Music. Here is a video of the band at Blacknall Memorial Presbyterian in Durham, NC performing the song for their worship. Congregational hymns at 11 AM will include "Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah" (Cwm Rhondda), "If Thou But Trust in God to Guide Thee" (Wer nur den lieben Gott), and "How Firm a Foundation" (Foundation).

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