Saturday, December 8, 2007

Music for Worship December 9, 2007

In keeping with a more contemplative tone for worship at FirstLight during Advent, we will begin worship with a single song this week, “Prepare the way of the Lord,” a Taize piece. We will use the Korean song, “Come now, O Prince of peace” at the confession. With Donna Marie Todd giving the sermon, there are a couple of “bonus” music selections this week: we will hear “Shall we gather at the river” during the proclamation; and at the offering we will sing the gospel song “Down to the river to pray.” We will be using the Iona song “Glory and gratitude and praise” as our Doxology. Our closing song will be the jaunty “The King of glory comes.”

At both services our focus in worship this week is the call of John the Baptist to repentance and change. Olivia T. and Kaitlyn D. will light the Advent wreath for us. Donna Marie’s story-sermon will help us wrestle with the meaning of baptism and hospitality.

Service music at 11 AM will include the Taize “Prepare the way…,” the Korean “Come Now…” the Iona “Glory…,” and as last week “King of kings and Lord of lords.” Congregational hymns will include “Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates” (Truro), On Jordan’s banks the Baptist’s cry” (Winchester New), and “Watchman, tell us of the night” (Aberystwyth). Our own Keithie Knowles will play two pieces for us, Max Reger’s “Marie Wiegenlied” (The Virgin’s Slumber Song) and Ralph Vaughan Williams’ “Greensleeves” in beautiful arrangements for violin and organ. The organ postlude will be a festive setting of Truro by Wilbur Held. The choir anthem is Anna Laura Page’s “Creation will be at peace.” We will be performing the anthem with handbell accompaniment, and with a boy soprano (Matt. B.) taking some of the melody at the beginning and end. It promises to be a stunning musical offering.

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