Saturday, April 5, 2008

Worship Music for April 6

FirstLight worship will begin with a medley of "We fall down" and the hymn "Holy, holy, holy" (NICEA). These two sings marvel in the holiness of God and combining them into a unit will be a powerful time of praise. "Open the eyes of my heart" will also help set the tone for our worship. This is Emmaus Sunday, the third Sunday of Easter, when the reading is traditionally the story of the Emmaus experience. The Prophets of Praise will sing James Moore's very popular "Taste and see" at the offering. Having heard it there, the congregation will be invited to sing the refrain while we receive communion. Our worship will conclude with the American folk hymn DOVE OF PEACE with text by Brian Wren, "I come with joy to meet my Lord."

Worship at 11 AM will begin with music from the anti-apartheid movement of South Africa in the latter part of the last century. That movement has strong support in people's faith, and new songs of prayer, devotion and social awareness grew with the movement. One of the most popular is "Haleluja, pela tse rona," or "Hallelujah, we sing your praises." With verses that laud Jesus' presence in the bread and cup, and his admonition to spread the gospel, this will be a great way to begin and end worship. The choir will sing a new setting of Wren's "I come with joy" by Gary Allen (GIA). While we are familiar with the text using the tune DOVE OF PEACE, hearing it with a new tune give us new ears to hear the message in a fresh way. Liturgical extras (new members joining) will limit us to two hymns: "Christ is risen, sing hosanna" (HYMN TO JOY) and "O Thou who in this mysterious bread" (LAND OF REST). The latter is a Charles Wesley hymn, found in the United Methodist hymnal of 1989; with its reference to the Emmaus experience, it will be a nice way to tie the worship service together this week.

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