During the last year, we have heard much about CHANGE. And we see it all about us: some of it good, some of it not as good. However, even change that seems negative initially often proves to be positive in a larger perspective.
CHANGE is also happening – “right here in River City” – or the Swannanoa Valley. Music for the Sunday summer services at Montreat will have a new direction in 2009. Montreat Conference Center has formed a partnership with the Sacred Music Department at Presbyterian College, Clinton, SC. Dr. Porter Stokes and Dr. Ron Davis will be on site this summer guiding the process. Additionally, they are bringing a student intern who will serve as the summer worship coordinator.
How does this change your life? I’m not completely sure. Dr. Stokes has requested, and I have provided, a list of participating choirs from previous summers. He may invite visiting choirs. He may establish a resident choir. Or there may be a combination of both. Suffice it to say that any invitation for your participation in Sunday worship in the future will come from Dr. Stokes or Dr. Davis.
I have enjoyed my association with Montreat over the past 22 years. The greatest joy of that experience has been knowing you and your singers/players and the wonderful music you have shared with us all. Thank you for that. I will miss interacting with you all.
CHANGE has also happened in my professional life. My summers will be free for the first time in many years. The time seemed right for another change; I retired from Oak Forest Presbyterian Church the end of December and am adjusting to being a congregant on Sunday mornings. This is the first time in more than 65 years that I have not been involved in church music either as a singer, organist, director, or administrator. So far, I’m managing that change quite well.
My best to you and your musicians. I will miss being in touch with you. Hopefully, we will see each other from time to time.
With deep appreciation,
Robert P. Keener
February 11, 2009
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