Thursday, December 9, 2010

Music for 121210


Christmas Medley
Carolyn Konnert, cello

Gathering Song(s)
Come now, O Prince of Peace
To a maid engaged to Joseph

Opening Song
How great is our God (Christmas words)

Gloria, Gloria

Joseph was a carpenter (TEMPUS ADEST FLORIDUM)
words by Jim Cogswell

Joseph was a carpenter, father to our Savior.
Rough and callused were his hands,
Hardened by his labor.
Who was he to think that God
Would choose him for glory?
Such a humble man was he.
Listen to his story.

Virgin Mary was betrothed
To this man so humble.
He learned she was great with child
And his heart was troubled.
He thought best to let her go
To spare her disgracing.
But then Joseph in a dream
Was God’s angel facing.

“Fear not, Joseph, David’s son,
To take Mary to you.
For the child that she will bear
God’s own Spirit gives you.
Jesus is to be His name.
God’s love will enfold you.
He saves Israel from their sins,
As God’s prophet told you.”

Joseph wakened from his dream
And in full obedience
Took young Mary as his wife,
Waiting God’s convenience.
In good time she bore a son.
Joseph named him Jesus.
He would be Emmanuel
For in Him God’s with us.

Taylor Davis, Come, thou long-expected Jesus

Glory and gratitude and praise

Closing Song
Lo, how a rose e’er blooming

22, Angels, form the realms of glory (REGENT SQUARE)
19, To a maid engaged to Joseph (ANNUNCIATION)
43, O Little town of Bethlehem (FOREST GREEN)

Gloria, gloria (576)

see above

Handel, And the glory of the Lord

Glory and gratitude and praise

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Arr. Michael Helman, From a distant home
Adult Handbells
Offertory: Arr. Fred Gramann, I wonder as I wander
Adult Handbells
Postlude: JS Bach, Savior of the nations, come

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