Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Review: Ruthie Foster, Let it burn

I am listening to this entire album once again this morning, and finding that I am nowhere near tired of listening to Ruthie Foster! Born in Texas and infused with a rich palette of musical influences, Foster's sultry, soulful, sensuous singing is a delight even on repeated listening.  This album was recorded in NOLA and includes some heavy-hitting back-ups on a couple of the tracks: George Porter, Jr., the Blind Boys of Alabama and William Bell.  This album features more covers and fewer original songs than her other releases, but all that has done is whet my appetite.  (My kids enjoy hearing Adele sing "Set Fire to the Rain" on pop radio, but Foster's take is incredible.)  The orchestrations could easily have overtaken the voice, so kudos to the producers who let the voice predominate.  + + + +

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Pentecost 2012

We re-installed our cut-paper dove, but added with 
it with two red cut-paper flames.  The install went fine and the final effect was good.  I'd like to do more of the flames for next year, maybe from each light fixture and vary the heights.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Music for 052712 Pentecost

Gathering Song(s)
Wa, wa, wa emimimo

Opening Song
Spirit, Spirit of gentleness (PH 319)

Prayer of Praise Response
Spirit of the living God

As the wind song

Responses by Leon Roberts
Distribution: Our God is here

Closing Song
Jesus Messiah
129, Come, O Spirit, dwell among us (EBENEZER)
131, Wind who makes all winds that blow (ABERYSTWYTH)

Prayer of Praise Response
322, Spirit of the living God (LIVING GOD)

Praise God from whom all blessings flow (with Alleluias)

Music during Communion
Responses by Leon Roberts
314, Like the murmur of the dove’s song
316, Breathe on me, breath of God

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude:  Titelouze, Trio on Veni Creator Spiritus
Offertory:   David Ashley White, Come down, O love divine
Chancel Choir
Postlude:  Titelouze, Fugue on Veni Creator Spiritus

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Music for 052012

Gathering Song(s)
Made me glad
Glorify thy name

Opening Song
All hail the power of Jesus’ name

Prayer of Praise Response
Glory to God whose goodness shines

Jude Doxology

Closing Song

143, All hail the power of Jesus’ name (DIADEM)
379, My hope is built (SOLID ROCK)
441, I love thy kingdom, Lord (ST. THOMAS)

Prayer of Praise Response
2026, Halle, halle, halleuja (CARRIBEAN)

Andre Thomas, When the trumpet sounds
Where shall I be when the trumpet sounds
When it sounds so loud till it wake up the dead.
Tell me, where shall I be when the trumpet sounds

Praise God from whom all blessings flow (with Alleluias)

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Ralph Vaughan Williams, O Clap your hands
Psalm 47: God has gone up with a shout, the Lord
                 With the sound of the trumpet.
Offertory: Healy Willan, Voluntary on MILES LANE
Postlude: Edward Elgar, Military March Number 1, in D

Not one, not two, but three

We'll be singing the hymn "All hail the power of Jesus' name" this week at both services.  We have a nice arrangement using CORONATION that our little band does nicely at FirstLight; we'll sing the standard hymnal arrangement of CORONATION at 11AM. 

I've done it before, but for kicks last night at choir rehearsal I had the singers waltz through DIAMDEM.  Though we have tried it before, most singers claimed to have never heard it before.  Of course, I told them that one of the best ways to get a roomful of Methodists excited is to sing this tune.  We also tried singing "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound" to DIADEM ("...was BLIND BUT..."), and explored singing "Amazing Grace" to the tune for the theme song for the old TV show "Gilligan's Island" (it really works). 

But more seriously, I mentioned that in the 1960's-era edition of the Methodist hymnal, there was a third tune associated with the text "All hail the power..."  MILES LANE didn't make it into the 1990's era book, but remains firmly implanted in my mind.  On festive days we'd sing this hymn text and wend our way, with the help of a gifted organist, through all three tunes!  The version of DIADEM in the Presbyterian Hymnal unfortunately is in B-flat, leading to a very high and scream-y F in the melody, making it not terribly feasible for congregational use. 

This Sunday I'll play a setting of MILES LANE by Healy Willian, we'll sing CORONATION, and I'll have some fond memories of of DIADEM while we sing and worship.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

New CD

Our own Donna Marie Todd has been busy.  She is putting the finishing touches on a book, Butterfly Girl.  But musically she is preparing to release a music CD, a collection of favorite hymns, entitled Faith of our Fathers.  You can listen to a couple of samples here.  The CD includes the talents of Will Straughan.  Keep an eye out for it and get a copy of it when it's released!

Music for 051312

Gathering Song(s)
This is my commandment
Better is one day

Opening Song
Love the Lord

Prayer of Praise Response
We fall down

Everlasting God

Closing Song
Blest be the tie that binds
150, Come, Christians, join to sing (SPANISH HYMN)
335, Though I may speak (O WALY WALY)
438, Blest be the tie that binds (DENNIS)

Prayer of Praise Response
Glory to God whose goodness shines (VASILE)

Arr. Dennis Allen, Come thou fount of every blessing

Praise God from whom all blessings flow (with Alleluias)

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude:  Arr. Wayne Kerr, The Shepherd’s Psalm
Offertory:  Arr. Barker, Voluntary on DENNIS
Postlude:  TBA Organ