Thursday, January 3, 2013

Music for 010613

Gathering Song(s)

Lord, be glorified

Glorify thy name

Opening Song
We three kings of orient are

Gloria, gloria (TAIZE)

Beautiful Star of Bethlehem

Closing Song
Go tell it on the mountain

11 AM
Hymns 411, Arise, your light has come (FESTAL SONG)
66, We three kings of orient are (KINGS OF ORIENT)
29, Go tell it on the mountain (GO TELL IT)

576, Gloria, Gloria (TAIZE)

Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise God all creatures here below;
Praise God above you heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: George Oldroyd, Liturgical Improvisation Number 3
Pour light upon us from above,
And fire our hearts with thy strong love…

Offertory: Arr. Robert Hobby, Christ is the world’s light
A setting of PH 459
Christ is the world's light, Christ and none other;
born in our darkness, he became our brother.
If we have seen him we have seen the Father:
Glory to God on high!

Postlude: Dietrich Buxtehude, Chorale Fantasia on How brightly shines the morning star
A setting of PH #69

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