Thursday, May 2, 2013

Music for 050513

Gathering Song(s)
Praise the one who breaks the darkness (NETTLETON)
Come, now is the time to worship

Opening Song
Wade in the water (STF 2107)

Prayer of Praise
Halle, halle, halleluja (STF 2026)


God bless to us our bread
We come to the hungry feast

Closing Song
Christ be our light


Easter people, raise your voices (REGENT SQUARE)
Praise the one who breaks the darkness (NETTLETON)

Response of Praise
2026, Halle, halle, hallelujah (HALLE, HALLE)

Praise God from whom all blessings flow (LASST UNS ERFREUEN)

Music during Communion
God bless to us our bread
We come to the hungry feast
Christ be our light

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Louis J.A. Lefebure-Wely, Communion
Offertory:  White, O bread of life from heaven
Postlude:   Louis J.A. Lefebure-Wely, Sortie in E-Flat

BMPCNC observes the first Sunday in May as it's "Bread for the World Sunday" (many churches use the first Sunday in October). In years past we have celebrated communion on Pentecost, which makes for a very full service that day because it is also confirmation for us. This year we are celebrating communion in conjunction with Bread for the World. We will have a letter-writing campaign going-on during the morning too. What this has meant musically, is that there is a remarkable congruence in the music for both services. We regularly have some cross-over. But, quite unintentionally, there is quite a bit of crossover this week. The interesting fact is that neither congregation is being asked to make all that big a leap to embrace the songs they will be singing: they are all of a piece with what we regularly encounter.

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