Thursday, December 14, 2017

Paper Lace Advent 2017

We have been collaborating with for a couple of years. One of the principals in that collective grew up in our congregation. We used some of their material for our Advent observance this year: devotional booklet, liturgical resources and the like. We also were interested in using the paper lace banner design they provided. The original was designed as a pair of vertically hung 9x3 panels. I had the idea of enlarging them (greatly) and flying them down the length of the nave. I was hopeful (!) that our pulley system could support the whole work when installed.

We got to work converting the print design using computer display projected on the wall of our fellowship hall. Once the design was drawn in, a team of persons cut out the negative portions and seamed the ends. That was a two-night process.

Finally, the moment of truth: flying the two banners. It went remarkably smoothly, taking only about an hour, but many trips up and down a ladder to get things just so. The effect is quite dramatic, with a definite "swoop" from the nave toward the chancel and cross. During the day even with lights on, the effect is subtle at best.

It's best realized at night, with most of the nave lights off. But in that scenario, one can certainly discern a dapple effect of "light breaking through."

We placed an interpretive piece at the doors of the sanctuary for work-week visitors, and include the same information weekly in our worship guides.

We extend our hearty thanks to Hannah Garrity for the original art, and Lisle Gwynn Garrity for helping us bring the enlarged vision to life, along with our dedicated team of sketchers and cutters.

I regularly give thanks for the many artists in our congregation, both living and deceased. I am especially grateful for the visionaries among them who worked (very hard, I'm sure) to get approval to install the pulley system that we utilize. I never take it for granted, and marvel every time we use it at how adaptable it is.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Farewell to a music scholar

Justin Lance has been singing with the chancel choir the entire time he has been enrolled at Montreat College, 4.5 years. I heard him audition for scholarships at the school and mentioned to him that if he matriculated, he should consider taking a scholarship with us also. He did, and he did! We have enjoyed him immensely, and have been delighted to share his college tribulations and triumphs. He leaves this month to take a job in Charlotte. He managed to score the big three goals for anyone graduating: full-time, in his field, with benefits. We wish him well.

Music for 2017.12.10

Gathering Song(s)
Comfort, comfort, ye my people

Opening Song
The king of glory comes (STF 2091)

Prayer of Praise Response/Confession
Gloria, gloria

Walk in the light

Closing Song
There is a longing in our hearts
88, O come, O come, Emmanuel (VENI EMMANUEL)
87, Comfort, comfort, now my people (GENEVA 42)
96, On Jordan’s bank the Baptist’s cry (WINCHESTER NEW)

Confession Response CRADLE SONG

583, Glory to God

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Jan Propitius, Trio on Geneva 42
Offertory: Craig Courtney, Who but the Lord
Using a text by Susan Bentall Boersma, paired with a stanza of text from the Latin hymn, Veni Emmanuel, Courtney has crafted a powerful affirmation of God doing many and powerful things, including the sending of light to the nations. The first part of the anthem is filled with questions, the second a bold affirmation. 
Postlude:  Benjamin Cornelius-Bates, Toccata on Geneva 42