Thursday, December 7, 2017

Music for 2017.12.10

Gathering Song(s)
Comfort, comfort, ye my people

Opening Song
The king of glory comes (STF 2091)

Prayer of Praise Response/Confession
Gloria, gloria

Walk in the light

Closing Song
There is a longing in our hearts
88, O come, O come, Emmanuel (VENI EMMANUEL)
87, Comfort, comfort, now my people (GENEVA 42)
96, On Jordan’s bank the Baptist’s cry (WINCHESTER NEW)

Confession Response CRADLE SONG

583, Glory to God

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Jan Propitius, Trio on Geneva 42
Offertory: Craig Courtney, Who but the Lord
Using a text by Susan Bentall Boersma, paired with a stanza of text from the Latin hymn, Veni Emmanuel, Courtney has crafted a powerful affirmation of God doing many and powerful things, including the sending of light to the nations. The first part of the anthem is filled with questions, the second a bold affirmation. 
Postlude:  Benjamin Cornelius-Bates, Toccata on Geneva 42

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