Saturday, January 5, 2008

The bells! The bells!

Our Christmas Eve family service was a riot of tinkling, clanging bells! For those who forgot to bring bells from home, there were plenty available at the doors. These we rang during selected carols during the service, though there was a pretty constant murmur of bells (if you can call it that) throughout the entire service. Here are some photos taken after worship. Most of the Aerie Singers bolted rather than get photographed, so there are only four of them posing, instead of the 14 who were actually there. Something about needing to get home and get ready to got to bed and await Santa, or something like that! During Advent we had characters from the Bible light the Advent candles. For Christmas Eve, the characters were Mary and Joseph, describing their impressions of the birth of Jesus. Lauren Patton and Patrick Massey did a great job and managed to project above the din to deliver a nice message and light the Christ Candle in the wreath. Merry Christmas!

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