Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Chirst the King Sunday 23 November

We will celebrate Christ the King Sunday on November 23. This particular day is one of only two Sundays in the church year that are not based on the life of Christ or an event in Jesus' life (the other being Trinity Sunday). Christ the King Sunday is the last Sunday of the church year, the last Sunday in the ordinary season that began after Pentecost and the last Sunday before Advent begins.

In his Companion to the Book of Common Worship, Peter C. Bower has this to say about our observance of Christ the King Sunday:

The day centers on the crucified and risen Christ, whom God exalted to rule over the whole universe. The celebration of the lordship of Christ thus looks back to Ascension, Easter and Transfiguration, and points ahead to the appearing in glory of the King of kings and Lord of lords. Christ reigns supreme. Christ rules in peace. Christ's truth judges falsehood. As the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, Christ is the center of the universe, and ruler of history, the judge of all people. In Christ all things began, and in Christ all things will be fulfilled. In the end Christ will triumph over all the forces of evil.

What a powerful statement of faith, as well as a concise summary of the theology implicit in our celebration of this day in the church year!

Christus vincit, Christus regnat, Christus imperat

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