Thursday, May 28, 2009

Music for 053109 Pentecost

Gathering Songs
Spirit of the living God
Glorify thy name

Gathering Song
Shout to the north

Father, I adore you (2038)


Jimmy Owens

Jesus Messiah

Closing Song
Spirit, Spirit of gentleness (PH319)

11 AM
129, Come, O Spirit, Dwell Among us (EBENEZER)
398, There’s a sweet, sweet Spirit (SWEET, SWEET SPIRIT)

Atkinson, Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart

322, Spirit of the living God (LIVING GOD)

Isaac Meredith, Seal us, O Holy Spirit

With alleluias (LASST UNS ERFREUEN)

319, Spirit, Spirit of gentleness (SPIRIT)
Come down O love divine (organ)
2267, Taste and see

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Ahrens, Variations on Veni Creator
Offertory: Arr. David Ashley White, Come down, O Love divine
Chancel Choir
Postlude: Titelouze, Veni Creator

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Music for 052409

Gathering Song(s)
He knows my name
Lord I give you my heart

Opening Song
Blessed be your name

Halle, halle, halleluja

Heath, Give me your eyes

Alleluia, give thanks

Take, O take me as I am

Closing Song
Shine, Jesus shine

11 AM
417, Christ is made the sure foundation (DARWELL’S 148TH)
2166, Christ beside me (BUNESSAN)
343, Called as partners in Christ’s service (BEECHER)

Clark, The head that once was crowned with thorns

O’Carroll, Celtic Alleluia

John Carter, All things work together for good
Give Voice

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Doug Wagner, The Peace of God
Give Voice

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Michael W. Smith; Arranged by Douglas E. Wagner
Great is the Lord
Aaron’s Bells
Offertory: Phillips, Voluntary
Postlude: Andre Campra, Rigaudon

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

United Methodist Hymnal project update

Both the PC(USA) and The United Methodist Church are actively engaged in developing new resources for congregational song. At least until yesterday. I got notice today that TUMC will suspend development of new resources for the current four-year period which began in 2008. Details are below:

Nashville—May19. Work on the revision of The United Methodist Hymnal, authorized by the 2008 General Conference, has been stopped, members of the Hymnal Revision Committee (HRC) learned today.

“The resources required to sustain a dedicated staff and pay for the planned activities are simply not available at this time and will not be available in time for completion of the assignment to deliver proposed content for a new compilation to the next General Conference,” Bishop Ernest S. Lyght, chair of the HRC, told the members of the committee. “As a result, and with great regret, we acknowledge that the United Methodist hymnal revision project cannot continue this quadrennium due to unexpected and extraordinary financial constraints resulting from the world-wide economic crisis.”

In January, The United Methodist Publishing House (UMPH) announced that the work on the revision had been slowed to allow time for a better sense of both the ability of the Publishing House to invest in the revision’s development and the ability of congregations to purchase new hymnals. Today’s announcement acknowledges that economic conditions have not improved to allow work to move ahead; thus the massive undertaking of developing a new hymnal cannot now be completed in time for the 2012 General Conference.

Both Karen Greenwaldt, General Secretary of the General Board of Discipleship, and Neil Alexander, President and Publisher of UMPH, told the committee that special projects in the development of resources for the church’s liturgical life and music ministries will be pursued on other tracks. The two agencies will collaborate with each other and with worship leaders across the connection in the next months, they said. The Facebook New United Methodist Hymnal Group will continue as a valuable resource for new and emerging publishing projects in worship and music for the church.

UMPH, which is completely self-funding, would have to invest at least $2 million in the development of the new hymnal. While eventual sales of the revised hymnal would likely recover the investment and exceed it, at this time sufficient funding to continue the work is not available either from ongoing operations or from reserves.

“The news that the project cannot move forward for lack of funding is unwelcome for all involved,” said Bishop Lyght. “But it is also understandable as we witness the rollbacks and financial constraints faced by many churches, annual conferences, and United Methodist organizations.”

I received this word via an email list; no doubt it will be released in other formats in the next few hours. The vagaries of Methodist polity are fairly complex as one can surmise from the press release. If you want help with jargon, etc. let me know in the combox.

One wonders if the Presbyterian project may take similar action in light of similar econmic realities.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Art Project

During the Lent-Easter cycle we have used a passage from Philippians (2.5-11) as a thematic source for worship planning. To convey the scripture passage visually, we created a large cross in three stages. The first project was the large upright. This is foam core board on which is pasted large squares of sand paper (vv6-7). In worship we used crayons to color the sandpaper.

The second component (v.8) was the cross-pieces. These are again foam core covered with purple fabric. On those we glued torn paper swatches.

We completed the final part on 5/17 (vv. 9-11). This was four arcs of foam core. These were spray-painted in dark green. We glued ribbon segments to these.

They will be attached so as to form a sort-of Celtic cross, when all three parts are united. Stay tuned for the final product!

A rehearsal one day

This is part of what I have to work with at church.  These are a couple of shots from a recent bell rehearsal with youth.  The person in blue (who ought to know better than be photographed with this crowd) is our education intern this year, Kathryn.  Don't hold this against her: she's been great, and a good sport, participating in youth music things and adding a lot.  I do have one serious picture that will be used on the website, but these fun ones are a hint at what rehearsals are like (except you don't see the phones arrayed under the music racks as it is in real life!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Musical Soiree Tonight

Tonight the musicians of our church take the stage at our monthly family dinner. Below is the program. Unique is that both Melissa C. and Neil M. are performing pieces they have written themselves. My piano student Nick M. might also have done something of his own composing but most of his works are too hard for him (or me for that matter) to actually play! I hope you can join us. Dinner's coming to us from Phil's Barbeque here in town.

Thursday Night Live

Musical Soiree

14 May 2009

Adult Handbells

Phantom of the opera Medley

Easter Joy

Nick Murphy

Bach, Prelude in D minor

Bach, Musette

Gordie Murphy

Anon., Spanish Romance

Gaspar Sanz, Canarios

Francisco Tarrego, Lagrima

Melissa Corbett


Perrin Todd

McCartney, When I’m Sixty-Four

Connor Watson

Bastien, Sonatina

Kelly Peterson, Caroline Patton

Heath, Give me your eyes

Nick Patton

Tap dance routine

Libby Barker, Mike Barker

Olstad, When we all get to heaven

Carolyn Konnert, cello, Mike Barker, piano

Schubert, Ave Maria

Saint-Saƫns, The Swan

Neil McMillan, hammered dulcimer

TBA titles

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Music for 051009

Gathering Song(s)
Holy, holy, holy
Here I am to worship

Opening Song
Come, now is the time to worship

Halle, halle

Farrell, Christ be our Light
Please join in singing this refrain as you pick it up
Christ be our light!
Shine in our hearts, shine through the darkness.
Christ be our light
Shine in your church gathered today.

Alleluia, give thanks

Iona, Take, O take me as I am

Closing Song
Come thou fount of every blessing

11 AM
457, I greet thee who my sure Redeemer art (TOULON)
495, We know that Christ is raised (ENGLEBERG)
2197, God of all hopefulness (SLANE)

Good Christians all rejoice and sing

O’Carroll, Celtic Alleluia

Beck, With what shall I come before the Lord
Follow the text at Micah 6.6-8

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Tisserand, Allleuia

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Arr. Charles Callahan, Voluntary on ENGLEBERG
Offertory: Leon Boellmann, Prayer, from Suite Gothique
Postlude: CS Lang, Tuba Tune in D