Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hymn Festival update

Here are the hymns to be included in the festival event this coming Sunday at 430PM:

Lead me, guide me (Doris Akers)
How happy is he born and taught (TALLIS' CANON)
Send forth, O God, they light and truth (HOLDEN)
When I can read my title clear (PISGAH)
God is my strong salvation (CHENIES)
Guide me, O thou great Jehovah (REGENT SQUARE)
How firm a foundation (ADESTE FIDELIS and FOUNDATION)
The battle hymn of the republic (BATTLE HYMN)
Lead, kindly light (LUX BENIGNA)
Precious Lord, take my hand (Tomas A. Dorsey)
O God our help in ages past (setting of ST. ANNE by John Rutter)
Lift every voice and sing (J. Rosamund Johnson)

Lead me, guide me: hymns that inspired our nation's leaders will explore the favorite hymns of several US presidents and that of Susan B. Anthony (whose birthday we celebrate this month) and Martin Luther King, Jr., in ackowledgment of Black History Month.

The event will begin with a setting of ENGLEBERG for brass ensemble and handbells. The event is co-sponsored by the Western North Carolina chapter of the American Guild of Organists and the Hymn Society in the United States and Canada. The event is free and open to the public.

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