Thursday, February 27, 2014

Music for 030214

In addition to this being the Sunday we commemorate the Transfiguration of the Lord, we are also emphasizing our Guatemala partnership in worship. Multiple themes in a single service are nothing new to us, but this one is compelling for the wide range of music it suggests!

Gathering Song(s)
Jesus, we are here (STF 2273)

Opening Song
Come all you people
Praise to the Lord the almighty

Prayer of Confession Response
Halle, halle, hallelujah (STF 2026)

The peace of the earth

Psalm 150: Let all sounding things praise the Lord, Aerie Singers

Christ’s glory

Closing Song
Shine, Jesus, shine (STF 2173)

662, Christ, whose glory fills the skies (RATISBON)
822, When we are living (SOMOS DEL SEÑOR)
634, To God be the glory (TO GOD BE THE GLORY)

Response to Forgiveness
591, Halle, halle, hallelujah (CARIBBEAN)

The peace of the earth

Psalm 99: GtG 57, Tremble, O tremble (TROMBLEY)

606, Praise God from whom all blessings flow (OLD HUNDREDTH)

Benediction Response
Danish, Three-fold Amen

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: 392, Jesus, we are here (JESU TAWA PANO)
Offertory: Georg Frederich Handel, And the glory of the Lord, from Messiah
Postlude:  Purcell, Rigaudon

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