Thursday, March 6, 2014

Music for 030914

This week with the beginning of Lent, our theme for corporate worship, in addition to the Sunday readings, compels us to be mindful of issues of hungry insecurity and the need for clean water in the US and around the world. In our worship music the theme will be expressed by our use of the ancient song, "Agnus dei," "Lamb of God." Generally this text is said or sung just prior to communion; we will use it at the confession rite, and sing anthem settings of it. We will also begin a season-long art project in FirstLight which will help us heighten our awareness using visual art.

Gathering Song(s)
In God alone (Taize)

Opening Song
Better is one day

Prayer of Confession Response
Lamb of God (Haugen)

Psalm 32: responsive reading, You are my hiding place (STF 2055)


Responses: Kriewald (no repeats)
Distribution: For everyone born

Closing Song
Seek ye first

166, Lord, who throughout these forty days (ST FLAVIAN)
157, I danced in the morning (LORD OF THE DANCE)

Response to Forgiveness
Lamb of God (Haugen)

606, Praise God from whom all blessings flow (OLD HUNDREDTH)

Music during Communion
Sanctus: GtG #569; Memorial Acclamation: GtG#570; Amen: GtG # 571
Distribution: 165, The glory of these forty days
167, Forty days and forty nights

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: JS Bach (1685-1750), Erhalt uns herr
Offertory: Lindh, Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace
Postlude:  Johann Pachelbel (1653-1706), Fugue in D Minor

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