Monday, March 10, 2014

Front lines of hunger, first in a series

During Lent we are focusing on hunger and the need for clean water in the US and around the world. Part of that emphasis includes acknowledging and celebrating and learning more about people who are trying to make a difference locally, in the US and around the world on the front lines of hunger relief and making clean water available to all. First off is David Beckmann:

David Beckmann has been President of Bread for the World since 1991. He is a clergyperson in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). He is an articulate and passionate spokesperson on the matter of hunger around the world. In this video for Day 1 he speaks with conviction about the need for hunger relief in the US and around the world. You can read more of what he has to say on the topic in his book Exodus from Hunger.

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