Thursday, April 30, 2015

Music for 050315

Gathering Song(s)
Alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord

Opening Song
God of wonders

Response to Forgiveness
Glory to God whose goodness

Jesus, friend of sinners

Responses: Kriewald, Great thanksgiving
Distribution: Come to the table of grace (GTG 507)

Closing Song
Come thou fount, come thou King

240, Alleluia, give thanks (ALLELUIA 1)
536, Rise, O church, like Christ arisen (SURGE ECCLESIA)

Response to Forgiveness
582, Glory to God whose goodness

Praise God from whom all blessings flow (LASST UNS ERFREUEN)

Responses: #562, 563, 564
Distribution: #498, 507

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Arr. Chelsea Chen, Song of the Country Farmer
(from Three Taiwanese Folk Songs)
Offertory: Michael Jothen, You are the branches
(a setting of text from John 15.1-11)
Postlude:  Arr. Anne Krentz Organ, Christ is arisen, alleluia
(a setting of GtG #251 from Tanzania, with snippets of other Easter hymns)

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