Thursday, July 28, 2016

Music for 7/31/2016

First Light
Gathering Song(s)
You are my King (Amazing love)

Opening Song
You are holy (Prince of peace)

Jubilate, everybody

My hope is built

Closing Song    
I give you my heart

687, Our God our help in ages past (ST ANNE)
766, The church of Christ cannot be bound (MCKEE)
757, Today we all are called to be disciples (KINGSFOLD)

394.4, Laud and honor to the Father (WESTMINSTER ABBEY)

For the life that you have given, for the love in Christ made known,
With these fruits of time and labor, with these gifts that are your own:
Here we offer, Lord, our praises; heart and mind and strength we bring;
Give us grace to love and serve you, living what we pray and sing.

Instrumental/Organ Music
            Prelude: Felix Mendelssohn, Andante from Sonata in A
Offertory: Felix Mendelssohn, Lift thine eyes, from Elijah
BMPC Women’s Ensemble
Postlude: Felix Mendelssohn, Fugue in G

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