Sunday, April 25, 2010

Bell Festival

Above: Lucy D, ever the bell diva, assiduously reviews her music between rehearsals.

Our handbell ringers were in Flat Rock, NC this weekend for the 17th Blue Ridge Handbell Festival. This was the second year the event was held under the aegis of AGEHR Area III and the second also at the Bonclarken Retreat facility. Our ringers had a nice time. They were blown away by the tempi. Luckily we're not required to use the same speeds at home when we perform the music! The weather held clear until, of course, load out. The people and the equipment didn't get too wet, but it slowed things down a bit. We're now looking forward to a joint concert (with the bell ringers at Black Mountain UMC) this fall. More on that later.

Below: Mary V, Faith B and Wilma L pause between a classroom session and rehearsal.

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