At 830AM: "Our God is here" rocked. I don't need to say anything else. It rocked. And it was so fun to have drums back! "Mighty to save" also rocked. 'Nuff said. I think we found the right tempo for everything when we got down to it in the service!
At 11AM: The choir nailed the anthem. Russ would have been proud! It peaked right on time. The bell piece was quite nice. I was nervous and so played the fugue with you. The end result was great, as you heard from the congregation. They don't know or care I played along where it wasn't written; they only know the joy you conveyed (and none of the nerves!). The cumulative effect was exactly what we would hope for: an expression of utter joy on Easter Day. I was so delighted to be able to have brass today. They lent drama and power that was icing on the cake for all they participated in. The communion responses, especially, were awesome thanks to the addition of brass. I had a nice worship moment when so many joined in the refrain for "Up from the grave he arose"! Thanks to Susan H for getting us in and in the right places; and to David S. for stepping in and conducting the introit from the rear. You sounded awesome for that piece, and I knew then that the rest of the service was going to take wing!
(In case you noticed me scouring the organ top during the benediction, I was looking for the volume that contained my postlude, there at the end of the service. It was long gone! Probably just as well: it would have been too long, and poor denouement for a tremendous musical worship experience.)
Thanks again for your hard work leading up today, including your leadership on Palm-Passion Sunday, Maundy Thursday and your presence and encouragement on Good Friday.
As a reminder, I am on vacation this week (in town, but laying low). No Tune Weavers rehearsal; no Chancel Choir rehearsal. Andy and Perrin will make the call on Prophets practice TU evening. Music stands are in the sanctuary. (M Banzhoff will be in town, and is planning to sit in on practice and worship next Sunday.) I'll be tidying up bell equipment and re-setting the chancel probably on Wednesday. Next Sunday at 11AM N Allen will sub for me, and Susan B will be singing a solo for the anthem.
I think that's it. Thank you again. Have a blessed Easter!
Christus vincit, Christus regnat; Christus imperat.
Christ conquers, Christ reigns, Christ rules.
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