Saturday, February 18, 2012

Taking off, putting on

As we near the beginning of Lent this week on Ash Wednesday, I am seeing more comment in various forums about what folks are giving up or sacrificing. That's all fine and good. But I'd like to offer an alternative.

Instead of giving up something, take something on. Covenant with yourself to read a particular book this season, something you've been "meaning for read" for a while, or a "deeper" book of theology or devotional practice. Covenant to take on an additional act of service this season, either a one-time undertaking or a recurring act of ministry throughout the season. A few years ago I covenanted with myself to listen to and study the JS Bach St. Matthew Passion during the season of Lent. I had a nice recording, a copy of the full score and a critical analysis of the work in book form. Spread over 40 days it made for quite an undertaking that was edifying musically and spiritually. If you read the Bible daily, consider adding the reading of a commentary to go along with your readings.

I've given up my share of things over the years, but more recently have gained much more by taking something on. I commend it to you.

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