Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Advent wreath at FirstLight

We did a different form of advent wreath again this year. Similar to 2014 we asked families to study the readings for a given Sunday and then find and/or make things from around their home to visually convey elements of the text. It was well-received last year, but I was prepared to do something different in 2015. However, I heard from several folks that they really liked this element of advent worship, and asked that we do it again.

Things were a little tricky this year because we have begun following the narrative lectionary instead of the revised common lectionary. There are fewer readings to work with and the readings presented didn't cover familiar, traditional advents themes.  I provided this year's families with the appointed reading for each week, but supplemented it with complimentary readings for the same date from the RCL. Where the NL had an Old Testament reading, I provided a psalm, gospel and epistle reading. When the NL switched to a gospel reading, I provided readings from the OT, psalm and epistle. Most families didn't need all that, but they had it as a reference. Each family brought a candle from home which remained throughout the season. They took a few moments to describe what they brought for their installation (and the relevant Bible verse(s), lit their candle and said a short prayer. Here are some pictures.

Legos are always a popular route for expressing the Bible story!

This kid made his own "grass withers" and "highway for our God" visuals!

A trumpet and some finger cymbals for the "restoration of true worship"

Yes, a leaf-blower, because, "prepare ye the way of the Lord."

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Music for 2015.12.13

Famous one


Confession/Praise Response
Canticle of the turning

Christ in me arise

Lo, how a rose e’er blooming

82, Come, thou long-expected Jesus (HYFRYDOL)
86, The people who walked in darkness (ISAIAH 9)
129, Lo how a rose e’er blooming (ES IST EIN ROS)

Confession/Praise Response
Canticle of the turning (STAR OF THE COUNTY DOWN)

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
Praise God, all creatures here below.
Praise God above, ye heavenly host.
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.

Instrumental Music
Prelude:  Hermann Schroeder, Creator of the stars of night
Offertory: Anna Laura Page, Creation will be at peace
Justin Lance, music scholar, soloist
Postlude:  Louis Couperin, Offertoire, from Mass for the Convents

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Music for 20151122

We sing of your glory
All hail the power of Jesus’ name

He has made me glad (STF 2270)

Confession/Praise Response
Healer of our every ill


He shall reign

Your grace is enough

12, Immortal, invisible, God only wise (ST DENIO)
39, Great is thy faithfulness (FAITHFULNESS)
712, As those of old their firstfruits brought (FOREST GREEN)

Confession/Praise Response
795.R Healer of our every ill (HEALER OF OUR EVERY ILL)


Instrumental Music
Prelude:  Jules Massenet, Meditation from Thais
David Bell, piano
Offertory: Arr. John Ferguson, All hail the power of Jesus’ name
A setting of the text and tune at #263
Trenton Durham, music scholar, conducting
Nick Murphy, trumpet; Wesley Owen, trombone; Drew Banzhoff, tuba
Postlude:  JS Bach, Fantasy in G Major

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Music for 20151122

Marvelous light

You are holy (Prince of peace)

Confession/Praise Response
There’s a wideness in God’s mercy


He knows my name

2, Come thou almighty king
833, O love that wilt not let me go (ST MARGARET)
618, O love, how deep, how broad, how high (DEO GRACIAS)

Confession/Praise Response
435, There’s a wideness in God’s mercy (IN BABLIONE)


Instrumental Music
Prelude:  Albert Haye Malotte, The Twenty-Third Psalm
Trenton Durham, music scholar, tenor soloist
Offertory: John Gardner, Fight the Good Fight
From Five Hymns in Popular Style 
Postlude:  John Dunstable, Deo Gracias

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Music for 20151108

Be the center

Days of Elijah

Confession/Praise Response
You are my King

Cambodian Lord’s Prayer

Our God

O Sing to the Lord (Cantad al Senor)

645, Sing praise to God (MIT FREUDEN ZART)
53, O God who give us life (NOEL)
354, Mine eyes have seen the glory (BATTLE HYMN)

Confession/Praise Response
48, Rain down

Cambodian Lord’s Prayer


Instrumental Music
Prelude:  David N. Johnson, Trio on NOEL
Offertory: Arr. Michael Barker, How can I keep from singing
Adult Handbells, Nicholas Murphy, trumpet
Postlude:  David N. Johnson, Trumpet Tune in C

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Music for 102515

Andy Gwynn
Praise ye the Lord (Psalm 150)
This is the day

They’ll know we are Christians by our love

Confession/Praise Response
Johnny Appleseed Song

Elbow room song

This little light of mine

Margie Johnson
33, Praise the Lord! God’s glories show (LLANFAIR)
641, When in our music God is glorified (ENGLEBERG)
853, We are marching in the light of God (SIYAHAMBA)

Confession/Praise Response
581, Glory be to the Father (GREATOREX)


Instrumental Music
Prelude:  Mark Sedio, Prelude on “Abbot’s Leigh”
Offertory: Robert Powell, “Who are these like stars appearing”
A setting of the tune ZEUCH MICH using this 17th century hymn text:
Who are these like stars appearing,
These before God's throne who stand?
Each a golden crown is wearing;
Who are all this glorious band?
Alleluia! hark, they sing,
Praising loud their heavenly King.
Postlude:  Alfred Fedak, Postlude on “Azmon”

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Music for worship 101815

Come with me

Holy is the Lord
Holy, holy, holy

Confession/Praise Response
Glory to God whose goodness

I will follow

Come thou fount, come thou King

1, Holy, holy, holy (NICEA)
450, Be thou my vision (SLANE)
475, Come thou fount of every blessing (NETTLETON)

Confession/Praise Response
582, Glory to God whose goodness (GLORY TO GOD)


Instrumental Music
Prelude: (singing) Arr. John Bell, Come with me
Offertory: John Ness Beck, Offertory
A setting of text from Micah 6.6-8
Postlude: William Mathias, Fanfare  in D

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Music for 10042015

Holy ground

This is our God

Confession/Praise Response
There’s a wideness in God’s mercy

The only name

Distribution: You are holy (Prince of Peace)

Here I am, Lord

687, Our God, our help in ages past (ST ANNE)
69, I the Lord of sea and sky (HERE I AM)

Confession/Praise Response
774, There is now a new creation (STUTTGART)


Distribution: GtG 5, 11

Instrumental Music
Prelude: Healy Willan, Voluntary on ST ANNE
Offertory: John Rutter, For the beauty of the earth
Postlude: John Rutter, Toccata in Seven

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Music for 09272015

Hold on Jacob

Love the Lord

Confession/Praise Response
The steadfast love of the Lord (GtG 59)

The Potter’s hand

The summons (STF 2130)

760, Bring Many Names (verses 1-3, 6) (WESTCHASE)
39, Great is Thy Faithfulness (FAITHFULNESS)
726, Will You Come and Follow Me (KELVINGROVE)

Confession/Praise Response
59, The steadfast love of the Lord (refrain)


Instrumental Music
Prelude: Arr. Lynn Trapp, Pescador de Hombres
A setting of the tune at GTG # 721
Offertory: Randall Stroope, The Call
Postlude: JS Bach, Prelude in A

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Music for 092015

Father Abraham


Confession/Praise Response

Prayer for Illumination
Open your ears, O faithful people


The trees of the field (STF 2279)

10, Sing glory to the name of God (LASST UNS ERFREUEN)
80, You shall go out with joy (THE TREES OF THE FIELD)

Confession/Praise Response
59, refrain, The steadfast love of the Lord (STEADFAST LOVE)

Prayer for Illumination
453, Open your ears, O faithful people (YISRAEL VORAITA)


Instrumental Music
Prelude: James Woodman, “…a secret wrapped in smoke and fire…”
From “Meditations on Lasst Uns Erfreuen”
A musical impression of a single phrase of text from our first hymn.
Offertory: Mark L. Williams, O master let me walk with thee
A new tune for the text at GtG#738
Postlude: JS Bach, Little Prelude and Fugue in E Minor

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Music for 091315

How great is our God

I could sing of your love

Confession/Praise Response
Jubilate, everybody

Beautiful things

He knows my name

667, When morning gilds the skies (LAUDES DOMINI)
36, For the fruit of all creation (AR HYD Y NOS)
37, Let all things now living (ASH GROVE)

Confession/Praise Response
Thou art giving and forgiving (HYMN TO JOY)

Psalm 19
God’s glory fills the heavens (CREATION)

In gratitude and humble trust

Instrumental Music
    Prelude: Edward Elgar, Andantino
    Offertory: Beethoven, The heavens are telling
    Postlude: Arr. K Lee Scott, Recessional

Friday, September 4, 2015

Music for 090615

Be still and know

Open the eyes of my heart, Lord

Confession/Praise Response
As the deer

O for a thousand tongues to sing

You are my all in all

610, O for a thousand tongues to sing (AZMON)
797, We cannot measure how you heal (YE BANKS AND BRAES)
806, I’ll praise my maker (OLD 113TH)
Introduction by Klaas Jan Mulder

Confession/Praise Response
Halle, halle, hallelujah


Prelude: Klaas Jan Mulder, Fantasy on Psalm 146: I, Moderato
Offertory: Sally Ann Morris, Shall tribulation or distress
A setting of the text and tune at GtG 823, itself a setting of
text adapted from Romans 8.
Postlude: Jan Pieter Sweelinck, Ricercar Brevis in A

Monday, August 24, 2015

Summer art, part 3

We hung the third and last grouping of student artwork this week. We are completing a planned installation of works by children in our congregation. The sermon series is long-past, but we wanted to give all the artists a chance to be seen by a broad cross-section of our worshiping congregation. There for we paced the work out to last through the whole summer, and into the beginning of the school year. Here are the pieces submitted by some of our middle- and high-school students.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Music for August 23, 2015

Gathering Song(s)
Bless the Lord, O my soul (Ten-thousand reasons)

Opening Song
Blessed be your name

Prayer of Praise Response/Confession
Your mercy flows

Your grace is enough

Closing Song
Blessed assurance

839, Blessed assurance (ASSURANCE)
757, Today we all are called to be (KINGSFOLD)
761, Called as partners (BEECHER)

71, Surely it is God who saves me (FIRST SONG)

For the live that you have given,

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Alec Rowley, Benedictus
“I bring refreshment; I bring ease and calm…”     Christina Rossetti
Offertory:   Arr. Dennis Allen, Come thou fount of every blessing
Postlude: Johann Pachelbel, Toccata in E Minor

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Organ tune

To partner with our recent sermon series, relating to questions about our faith from a child's perspective, I used John Leavitt's "Scenes of Childhood" for some of the organ music at our second service. The sermon series addressed questions about our faith that were asked by children in our congregation. The music by Leavitt seemed to me a natural choice to pair with worship during the series. The series concluded today with a sermon related to what heaven is like. I used the final movement from Leavitt's suite for the postlude.

Leavitt in turn used poetry by Robert Louis Stevenson as the inspiration for his music. The composer intended that the poems be read before/after the performance of the music; we simply print excerpts in our printed bulletins. The last piece is called "Pirate Story" drawn from a poem of the same name. The piece begins with a riff on "Sailor's Hornpipe" and concludes with a riff on the Little Prelude in C attributed to JS Bach. Folks were immediately captivated by the music, many of them associating the music with the Popeye the Sailor Man television show from several decades ago. To help put the music in perspective, I tracked down a short summary of the tune.

While this sermon series has been going on, have also utilized art work by children from our congregation in our narthex gallery area. We currently have up work by older elementary children; it was preceded by work by younger elementary children. In mid-August we'll feature work by middle- and high-school students. It's been enjoyable having so much to connect to worship, and to celebrate the earnest questions children have about our faith, and their work in the arts, and music (and poetry) for them.

(After a quick look it seems the music is out of print, else I would put a link to it..)

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Summer art series

Our sermon series on questions of faith from a child's perspective winds down this week, but our art installation continues. The first installment featured art by children who completed Kindergarten and grades1, 2 and 3this spring. This week we shifted to the artwork of older elementary children, who have completed grades 4 and 5. The work of young artists will continue through summer; in a few weeks we'll trade out with work by middle- and high-school students.

Music for July 26

Better is one day

I’ll fly away

Confession/Praise Response
Lord, listen to your children praying

We will dance

On Jordan’s stormy banks (Promised land)

620, Praise, my soul the king of heaven (LAUDA ANIMA)
375, Shall we gather at the River (HANSON PLACE)
377, I want to walk as a child of the light (HOUSTON)

Confession/Praise Response
469, Lord, listen to your children praying

For the life that you have given

Instrumental Music
Prelude: Arr. Dana F. Everson, He leadeth me
TBA title, Allen Bell, saxophone
Offertory: Arr. Rich Heffler, I know whom I have believed
TBA title, Allen Bell, saxophone
Postlude: John Leavitt, Pirate Story, from Scenes of Childhood
Poetry by Robert Louis Stevenson
Hi! But here’s a squadron a-rowing on the sea; cattle on the meadow a-charging with a roar! Quick, and we’ll escape them, they’re as mad as they can be, the wicket is the
harbor and the garden is the shore.

This is the last week of our sermon series on children's of faith from a child's perspective. The topic is "heaven." The Leavitt piece is thoroughly secular, but even in the images of the poem by RL Stevenson, I can perceive a metaphor for heaven: the harbor and shore, which in turn pop up in the middle hymn at 11am. God has a way!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Music for 19 July

Worship Music
19 July 2015

Shout to the Lord

Come, now is the time to worship

Confession/Praise Response
Lord, listen to your children praying

He knows my name

I love to tell the story

305, Come sing, O church, in joy (DARWELL’S 148th)
462, I love to tell the story (HANKEY)
772, Live into hope (TRURO)

Confession/Praise Response
469, Lord, listen to your children praying


Instrumental Music
Prelude: WA Mozart, Come praise the Lord
Brooke Alexander, soprano
Offertory: Gabriel Faure, Berceuse
Brooke Alexander, violin
Postlude: WA Mozart, Allegro, from Fantasie in F Minor

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Music for 12 July 2015

Lord, I lift your name on high

Arise, my soul, arise

Confession/Praise Response
Lord, listen to your children praying

Healer of our every ill

Jesus, firm foundation

How firm a foundation

463, How firm a foundation (FOUNDATION)
465, What a friend we have in Jesus (CONVERSE)
822, When we are living (SOMOS DEL SENOR)

Confession/Praise Response
469, Lord, listen to your children praying

795, Healer of our every ill (HEALER OF OUR EVERY ILL)

In gratitude and humble trust (FOREST GREEN)

Instrumental Music
Prelude: John Leavitt, The Cow, from Scenes of Childhood
Poetry by Roubert Louis Stevenson
…The friendly cow all red and white, I love with all my heart: she gives me cream with
all her might, to eat with apple-tart…

Offertory: Johann Walther, If you but trust in God to guide you
Postlude: Johann Walther, Finale, from Concerto in B Minor

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Music for 06282015

This Sunday we are continuing a sermon series, "Through the eyes of a child; big questions of faith."

Gathering Song(s)
Cherokee morning song
How great is our God

Opening Song
How majestic is your name (STF 2023)

Response to Forgiveness
Lord, listen to your children praying (STF 2193)

Our God

Closing Song
God of the sparrow, God of the whale

14, For the beauty of the earth (DIX)
543, God be the love to search and keep me (GREEN TYLER)
22, God of the sparrow, God of the whale (ROEDER)

Response to Forgiveness
469, Lord, listen to your children praying (CHILDREN PRAYING)

Praise God from whom all blessings flow (OLD HUNDREDTH)

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: John Leavitt, The Moon, from Scenes of Childhood
Poetry by Robert Louis Stevenson
The moon has a face like the clock in the hall; she shines on thieves on the garden wall, on streets and fields and harbour quays, and birdies asleep in the forks of the trees…
Offertory: John Stanley, Andante in G Minor
Postlude: John Stanley, Trumpet Voluntary

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Summer 2015 Art

We begin a sermon series this coming Sunday, "Through a child's eyes" which will explore questions of faith that children in our congregation have raised. To compliment that sermon series, the narthex art gallery will feature pieces by children from our congregation. The exhibition will be staged in three, age-based parts. The first four-week span features artwork by children who have completed Kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade and 3rd grade. Here is their "stuff."

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Music for 061415

Gathering Song(s)
Bless the Lord, my soul (Taize)
Bless the Lord, O my soul (Ten-thousand reasons)

Opening Song

Response to Forgiveness
Surely it is God who saves me 

Shalom chaverim 
All of creation

Closing Song
Seek ye first

667, When morning gilds the skies (LAUDES DOMINI)
36, For the fruits of all creation (AR HYD Y NOS)
766, The church of Christ cannot be bound (MCKEE)

Response to Forgiveness
Surely it is God who saves me

In Gratitude and Humble Trust (FOREST GREEN)
In gratitude and humble trust we bring our best today,
To serve your cause and share your love with all along life’s way.
O God who gave yourself to us in Jesus Christ your Son,
Help us to give ourselves each day until life’s work is done.

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Johannes Brahms, Waltz in A-Flat Minor
David Bell, piano
Offertory: John Tesh, Venezia
Postlude: Gilbert Martin, Fanfare on MCKEE

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Music for 060715

Gathering Song(s)
We sing of your glory (STF 2011, in D)
Jesus, name above all names (STF 2071, in D)

Opening Song
Blessed be your name (in B)

Response to Forgiveness
Rain down (in F)

Prayer for Illumination
Open your ears, O faithful people (A minor)

Grace like rain (in C# minor)

Closing Song
Refiner’s fire (in E)

619, Praise, my soul, the God of heaven (LAUDA ANIMA)
767, Together we serve (SAN ANSELMO)
846, Fight the good fight (DUKE STREET)

Response to Forgiveness
48, Rain down (RAIN DOWN)

Prayer for Illumination
453, Open your ears, O faithful people (YISRAEL V’ORAITA)

Praise God from whom all blessings flow (OLD HUNDREDTH)

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Daniel Pinkham, The Wind from the North, from The Four Winds
The north wind brings forth the rain Proverbs 25.23

Offertory: Improvisation on Geneva 138
"I will bow down toward your holy temple and will praise your name for your love and your faithfulness, for you have exalted above all things your name and your word."  Psalm 138.2
The Genevan psalter tune for Psalm 138 is reminiscent of two other German hymn tunes, Lasst Uns Erfreuen and Mit Freuden Zart.

Postlude: Douglas E. Wagner, Toccata, from Psalm Impressions
Praise God with the timbrel and dance; praise God with stringed
instruments and organ. Psalm 150.4

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Music for 05312015

Gathering Song(s)
Holy, holy, holy (Argentina)

Opening Song
Holy is the Lord
Holy, holy, holy (NICEA)

Response to Forgiveness
As the wind song

Cambodian Lord’s Prayer

Come all you people (Uya imose)

Closing Song
We are one in the spirit

1, Holy, holy, holy (NICAEA)
711, Lord of all good (TOULON)
302, When hands reach out (O WALY WALY)

Response to Forgiveness
292, As the wind song (WAIRUA TAPU)

Cambodian Lord’s Prayer

Praise God from whom all blessings flow (LASST UNS ERFREUEN)

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Charles Callahan, Valediction
Alice Keith Knowles, violin
Offertory:JS Bach/ Charles Gonoud, Ave Maria
Postlude: Camille Saint-Saëns, Allegro Giocoso

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Music for 051015

Gathering Song(s)
As the deer

Opening Song
Cry of my heart

Response to Forgiveness
Glory to God whose goodness

Psalm 98: Sing a new song unto the Lord

Give me your eyes

Closing Song
Shout to the north

233, The day of resurrection (LANCASHIRE)
265, Jesus shall reign (DUKE STREET)
310, I love thy kingdom, Lord (ST THOMAS)

Response to Forgiveness
582, Glory to God whose goodness

Psalm 98: #276, Sing a new song unto the Lord (SING A NEW SONG)

Praise God from whom all blessings flow (LASST UNS ERFREUEN)

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: GF Handel, Sonata IV, Adagio
(Brooke Alexander, violin and Marty Alexander, piano)
Offertory: Mary Lynn Lightfoot, A jubilant song
(a setting of Psalm 98 sung in Latin and English)
Cantate Domino canticum novum omnis terra.    Sing to the Lord a new, jubilant song all the earth.
Postlude: GF Handel, Allegro from Concerto in F

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Music for 050315

Gathering Song(s)
Alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord

Opening Song
God of wonders

Response to Forgiveness
Glory to God whose goodness

Jesus, friend of sinners

Responses: Kriewald, Great thanksgiving
Distribution: Come to the table of grace (GTG 507)

Closing Song
Come thou fount, come thou King

240, Alleluia, give thanks (ALLELUIA 1)
536, Rise, O church, like Christ arisen (SURGE ECCLESIA)

Response to Forgiveness
582, Glory to God whose goodness

Praise God from whom all blessings flow (LASST UNS ERFREUEN)

Responses: #562, 563, 564
Distribution: #498, 507

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Arr. Chelsea Chen, Song of the Country Farmer
(from Three Taiwanese Folk Songs)
Offertory: Michael Jothen, You are the branches
(a setting of text from John 15.1-11)
Postlude:  Arr. Anne Krentz Organ, Christ is arisen, alleluia
(a setting of GtG #251 from Tanzania, with snippets of other Easter hymns)

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Music ministry

I was struck this week by how cool and exciting it is to be in church music these days. I think a key factor in my recent excitement is the setting in which I am working these days, but some of this would be relevant no matter where I was working.

Our congregation partners with Bread for the World. Yearly we take a Sunday to emphasize that relationship, and sponsor a letter-writing campaign to our state and federal political representatives on matters of hunger relief. A couple of years ago I got the idea of us celebrating communion on the day of this Bread for the World emphasis. It seems to resonate in the minds of our congregation. Also, in our congregation are a number of retired church professional: minister, educators, musicians, administrators and missionaries. These folks provide a unique energy to our life and mission and bring all manner of vibrancy and insight to our deliberation and priorities.

All of that is prelude or background to my thinking this week. In planning the music for Sunday, I wanted organ music that would "ping" off the Bread for the World relationship, be sensitive to our communion celebration, representative of our global faith, and musically challenging for me and compelling for the listener. I recently purchased a couple of folios of Asian-fusion music by Chelsea Chen, inspired by (I presume) her own ethnic heritage. One of the pieces in her collection of three Taiwanese folk songs is titled, "Song of the country farmer." I thought this might be a relevant piece for this Sunday. I did some investigating on the Internet (fruitless, but amazing that I could do that!). I asked one of our retired medical missionaries if she recognized the tune. "No," was her answer, but she allowed the piece was extremely reminiscent of indigenous music of Taiwan. I checked with the publisher via email to see if Chen had provided any additional notes that didn't appear in the folio. "No," was also their reply, but here, contact her directly via email and ask her yourself. A short email elicited an overnight reply! Chen was able to give me a little background on the song, just enough so that I can intelligently answer the questions I know I will field when folks hear this piece!

I was struck by how the resources available to me have expanded exponentially since I began church music 25 years ago. The wide array of repertoire that is being written for the global church, based on indigenous folks songs is new and exciting for me, and much-appreciated by this congregation. The ease with which I was able to contact the publisher and the arranger herself and get some helpful information, and form a nascent bond over a shared interest in folk music has made my day and makes me grateful.

For what it's worth, the other music in this Sunday's service includes Michael Jothen's "You are the branches" from Choristers Guild; Anne Krentz Organ's arrangement of "Mfurahini alleluia" in the Laudate series from Concordia, and a mix of old a new hymnody from the Presbyterian hymnal, "Glory to God."

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Music for 042615

We welcome our new pastor, Mary Katherine Robinson, this Sunday. Festive music all around! 

Gathering Song(s)
Love the Lord

Opening Song
Your grace is enough

Response to Forgiveness
Glory to God whose goodness

Psalm 23: Adonai’s my loving shepherd (Haiti)

Alive forever, amen

Closing Song
I will come to you

246, Christ is alive (TRURO)
177, I will come to you (YOU ARE MINE)
475, Come thou fount (NETTLETON)

Response to Forgiveness
582, Glory to God whose goodness

Psalm 23: Adonai’s my loving shepherd (Haiti)

Praise God from whom all blessings flow (LASST UNS ERFREUEN)

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Searle Wright, Brother James’s Air
(a setting of the tune of the choir’s offertory anthem)
Offertory: Gordon Jacob, Brother James’s Air
(a setting of Psalm 23)
Postlude: Michael Barker, Toccata on Nettleton

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Easter garden 2015

One of the highlights for us this Easter was an indoor garden. I'm sure plenty of folks have done it before. I got the idea nearly 25 years ago when I had the pleasure of working with a really avid gardener in Richmond. We did away with Easter lilies one year and use seasonal flowers and a fake stone to make a garden in our chancel area. We did a similar thing this year, but incorporated our flowered cross. We also re-used a fabricated tomb stone and added fabric to replicate (somewhat) an empty tomb. We placed a simple placard with a verse from Matthew 28. I got a new pair of smaller-scale stones made. Where we have had 45-50 lilies in recent years, we had nearly 120 flowers and green plants. The queue for taking pictures was a sight to behold! With a few tweaks, we'll be doing this again. This pic is from Saturday's installation, before individuals had added flowers to the cross on Easter day.

Music for 04/19/15

Gathering Song(s)
          He has made me glad
Opening Song
Fairest (Fairest Lord Jesus)
Response to Forgiveness
          Jubilate, everybody
Prayer for Illumination
          Thy word   
          Nothing ever
Closing Song
          This is our God
          234, Come, ye faithful raise the strain (ST KEVIN)
          494, Jesus, thou joy of loving hearts (QUEBEC)
          14, For the beauty of the earth (DIX)
Response to Forgiveness
          Halle, halle, hallelujah
Praise God from whom all blessings flow (LASST UNS ERFREUEN)
Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Lois R. Hill, Voluntary on St Kevin
          (a setting of the tune for our first hymn)
Offertory: Samuel Wesley, Lead me, Lord
          (text from Psalm 5.8 and Psalm 4.8)
Postlude: Stephen H. Best (2003), Celebration Fanfare

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Music for 02-15-2015

Gathering Song(s)
Here I am to worship

Opening Song
Arise my soul, arise

Response to Forgiveness
Shalom chaverim

Famous One

Closing Song
Salt and light

265, Jesus shall reign (DUKE STREET)
450, Be thou my vision (SLANE)
744, Arise, your light has come (FESTIAL SONG)

Response to Forgiveness
Laud and honor to the Father (WESTMINSTER ABBEY)

In Gratitude and Humble Trust (FOREST GREEN)
In gratitude and humble trust, we bring our best today,
To serve your cause and share your love with all along life’s way.
O God who gave yourself to us in Jesus Christ your Son,
Help us to give ourselves each day until life’s work is done.

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: JS Bach, Christ thou art the brightest day
Offertory: Kenney Potter, I will sing unto the Lord
Chancel Choir, Nick Murphy accompanist, Randy Shaffer, trumpet
Text adapted from Psalm 30 and I Corinthians 15
“…you turned my wailing to dancing; you clothed me with joy,
that my heart may sing to you and not be silent…”
Postlude: JS Bach, Fugue in C

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Music for 020815

Gathering Song(s)
Holy, holy, holy (Santo)
All hail the power of Jesus’ name

Opening Song
Holy is the Lord

Leaning on the everlasting arms

Psalm 150: Praise ye the Lord

Cambodian Lord’s Prayer

With all of my heart

Closing Song
Better is one day

263, All hail the power of Jesus’ name (DIADEM) 
694, Great God of every blessing (AURELIA) 
39, Great is thy faithfulness (FAITHFULNESS)

837, What a fellowship, what a joy divine (SHOWALTER)

Psalm 150: GtG 633, Praise ye the Lord (CLEVELAND)

Cambodian Lord’s Prayer

In Gratitude and Humble Trust (FOREST GREEN)

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Vincent Lubeck, Prelude in E
Offertory: John Rutter, Gaelic Blessing
Postlude: Vincent Lubeck, Fugue in E

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Music for 020115

Gathering Song(s)

Opening Song
I could sing of your love forever

Prayer of Confession Response
Jubilate, everybody

Psalm 111: Our God is an awesome God

Hallelujah, your love is amazing

Closing Song
There is a balm in Gilead

662, Christ whose glory fills the sky (RATISBON)
180, Silence! Frenzied, unclean spirit (AUTHORITY)
792, There is a balm in Gilead (THERE IS A BALM)

Response to Forgiveness
Jubilate, everybody

Psalm 111: GtG 652, A grateful heart (ROCKINGHAM)

In gratitude and humble trust we bring our best today,
To serve your cause and share your love with all along life’s way.
O God who gave yourself to us in Jesus Christ your Son,
Help us to give ourselves each day until life’s work is done.

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: singing: Jikelele
Offertory:  Donald Busarow, He comes to us
Postlude:  TBA Organ

Sunday, January 18, 2015

How my mind works (when planning music)

Today's (1/18/2015) gospel reading was John's telling of Jesus gathering the first disciples, and it was the Sunday before the MLK, Jr. holiday. So thematically we had the whole call/follow thing and the social justice thing. I wanted to sing a South African prayer song, from the anti-apartheid era (Thuma mina) mostly because it's been a few weeks since we sang at the prayers. The liturgy (compiled by the preacher for the day) included a collection of statements from MLK Jr that were crafted into a brief statement of faith. From the prayer song I took a step back to another South African song, "Come with me for the journey is long." With the gospel lection, I opted for a new (2004) hymn by Mel Bringle ("From the nets of our labors/We will rise up and follow") which also included a social justice theme. From that wonderfully Hispanic-sounding song (music by John Kleinheksel) I leaped to William Farley Smith's exuberant setting of "Cantemos al Senor." I heard Smith play the piece with its downright wicked chromaticism and parallel octaves at a Lake Junaluska conference some years ago before his untimely death. He was ebullient an African-American man whose musicological hand hovers over the current UM hymnal. The appointed psalm was 139, which made an appearance in our spoken call to worship, confession rite, and as the choir anthem at the offering (setting by Allen Pote). So many themes, so much music! Wow!