Thursday, December 8, 2011

Music for 121111

Gathering Song(s)
We will glorify
Jesus, name above all names

Advent Wreath
Come surely Lord Jesus

Opening Song
King of kings and Lord of lords

Magnify the Lord

David Crowder, Here is our King

Glory and gratitude and praise

Closing Song
Tomlin, This is our God

11 AM
20, Watchman, tell us of the night (ABERYSTWYTH)
15, Rejoice, rejoice, believers (LLANGLOFFAN)
40, Joy to the world (ANTIOCH)

Advent Wreath
Come surely, Lord Jesus (CRADLE SONG)

Magnify the Lord

Arr. Bradley Nelson, Lo, How a rose e’er blooming
Chancel Choir; Corey McClintock, French horn

Glory and gratitude and praise

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Arr. Michael Barker, Voluntary on Llangloffan
Offertory: Arr. Andre’ Thomas, Walk in the light
Chancel Choir
Postlude: Arr. Michael Barker, People look east

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Music for 120411

Gathering Song(s)
Refiner’s fire (Purify my heart)

Opening Song
The King of glory comes (STF 2090)

Magnify the Lord (Taize)

Sarah Hart, Come, true light

Glory and gratitude and praise

Closing Song
Christ be our light

11 AM
10, On Jordan’s bank the Baptist’s cry (WINCHESTER NEW)
411, Arise, your light is come (FESTAL SONG)
12, People, look east

Lynn S. Hurst, Holy Baby, Holy Child
Carol Choir, Cathy McMillan, director

Advent Wreath
Come surely, Lord Jesus (CRADLE SONG)

Magnify the Lord (TAIZE)

Natalie Sleeth, O come, O come, Immanuel
Aerie Singers

Glory and gratitude and praise

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Arr. Anna Laura Page, The king of glory comes
Adult Handbells

Offertory: Traditional, The King of glory comes
Aerie Singers

Postlude: Kurt Fiebig, Prelude in B-Flat

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Music for 112011 Christ the King

Gathering Song(s)
He is exalted

Opening Song
We fall down
Holy, holy, holy (NICEA)

Amazing love (You are my king)

Thy Word

Brandon Heath, Give me your eyes

Give thanks

Closing Song
All hail the power of Jesus name

11 AM
142, All hail the power of Jesus’ name (CORONATION)
149, The head that once was crowned (ST. MAGNUS)
144, Alleluia, sing to Jesus (HYFRYDOL)

Purcell, Glory be to God the Father, (WESTMINSTER ABBEY)

Arr. Hal Hopson, All hail the power of Jesus’ name

LASST UNS ERFREUEN (With alleluias)

2279, You shall go out with joy (TREES OF THE FIELD)

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Arr. Richardson, Let all things now living
Connor Watson and Drew Banzhoff, piano duet

Offertory: Leopold Mozart, Entrée
Caleb Holladay, organ

Postlude: Jehan Alain, Litanies

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Music for worship 111311

Gathering Song(s)
I give you my heart
Heart of worship

Opening Song
Lord, I lift your name on high

Glory, glory hallelujah

Lord, be glorified

TBA Title, Andy Gwynn, guitar

Closing Song
More love, more power

11 AM
555, Now thank we all our God (NUN DANKET ALL GOTT)
428, We give thee but thine own (SCHUMANN)
434, Today we are call to be disciples (KINGSFOLD)

579, Glory be to the Father, (GREATOREX)


Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: JS Bach, Prelude in C
Nick Murphy, piano
Offertory: Homilius, If you will trust in God to guide you
Postlude: Cherwien, Had I a thousand voices

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Music for 110611

Gathering Song(s)
Days of Elijah

Opening Song
Better is one day

Lord, be glorified

Everlasting God

Responses by Leon Roberts

Closing Song
Soon and very soon

11 AM

526, For all the saints (SINE NOMINE)
17, “Sleepers, wake,” a voice astounds us (WACHET AUF)

Purcell, Glory be to God the Father (WESTMINSTER ABBEY)

LASST UNS ERFREUEN, with Alleluias

Responses by Elise Eslinger
Music at the distribution: 2284, Joy in the morning 2282, I’ll fly away

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: JS Bach, Wachet auf, ruft uns die stimme
Offertory: Andre Thomas, Keep your lamps (Chancel Choir)
Postlude: Arr. Robert Hobby, Voluntary on WACHET AUF

Faure Requiem

Black Mountain Presbyterian Church will present a special service of remembrance and light on Sunday evening November 6 at 7PM at the church at 117 Montreat Road in Black Mountain. During the service the Chancel Choir of the church will perform “Requiem” by Gabriel Fauré. Admission to this formal service is free and open to the public. This service will help participants call to mind and commemorate family and friends who have died; the service will conclude with the lighting of candles in memory of those who have died. This worship service will include Bible readings, poetry as well as hymns and the special music to be performed by the choir. Fauré composed his Requiem over a span of several months between 1887 and 1890. It was performed at Fauré’s own funeral in 1924 and premiered in the US in 1931. In this setting the choir will be accompanied by a small ensemble including Mike Barker, organ; Michael Brubaker and Christina Cornell, French horns; Alice Keith Knowles, violin; and Judy Bailey, harp. Contact the church 669-2725 or for more information.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Music for 103011

Gathering Song(s)
He has made me glad

Opening Song
Made me glad

The first song of Isaiah

Jesus Christ is Lord

The Lord’s Prayer

Tomlin, Not to us

Give thanks

Closing Song
Refiner’s fire (Purify my heart)

11 AM
260, A mighty fortress (EIN FESTE BURG)
369, I’m gonna live so God can use me (I’M GONNA LIVE)
343, Called as partners in Christ’s service (BEECHER)

2030, The first song of Isaiah (FIRST SONG)

Cindy Berry, At the name of Jesus


PipeScreams III program

Below is the program for PipeScreams III, Nightmare on Montreat Road. The concert is this Sunday October 30 at 4PM at Black Mountain Presbyterian Church.

Toccata and Fugue in D Minor
JS Bach (1685-1750)

Suite from Pictures at an Exhibition
Modest Mussorgsky (1839-1881)
Il Vecchio Castello
Ballet of the Chicks in Their Shells
The Great Gate of Kiev

Two Woodsy Pieces
Vladimir Rebikov 1866-1920)
In the Forest
The Bear
Caleb Holladay, organ

Suite Gothique Léon Boëllman (1862-1897)
I. Introduction-Choral
II: Menuet Gothique Nick Murphy, organ
III. Prière á Notre-Dame
IV. Toccata

Monday, October 24, 2011

Hearing Assistance

A couple of years ago BMPCNC made the transition from hearing assistance amplifiers to a t-coil, or induction coil system. The cost was borne by a generous (hearing-impaired) member of our congregation. It has worked quite well (though persons using hearing aids without the t-coil setting have not benefited from the switch). Here is an article about a t-coil user in New York, a composer of some renown. I think what is most interesting is the slow up-take on the part of US businesses and institutions making use of a t-coil system. I figured we were a little behind the times in getting our system installed; come to find out we're sort of on the cutting edge!

After he lost much of his hearing last year at age 57, the composer Richard Einhorn despaired of ever really enjoying a concert or musical again. Even using special headsets supplied by the Metropolitan Opera and Broadway theaters, he found himself frustrated by the sound quality, static and interference.

Then, in June, he went to the Kennedy Center in Washington, where his “Voice of Light” oratorio had once been performed with the National Symphony Orchestra, for a performance of the musical “Wicked.”

There were no special headphones. This time, the words and music were transmitted to a wireless receiver in Mr. Einhorn’s hearing aid using a technology that is just starting to make its way into public places in America: a hearing loop.

A hearing loop, typically installed on the floor around the periphery of a room, is a thin strand of copper wire radiating electromagnetic signals that can be picked up by a tiny receiver already built into most hearing aids and cochlear implants. When the receiver is turned on, the hearing aid receives only the sounds coming directly from a microphone, not the background cacophony.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Music for 102311

Gathering Song(s)
I love you, Lord
I give you my heart

Opening Song
Here I am to worship

I have decided to follow Jesus

Speak, O Lord

Amazing grace, alleluia

Brewster, Love the Lord

Give thanks

Closing Song
The summons

11 AM
288, I sing the mighty power of God (ELLACOMBE)
366, Jesus, thy boundless love to me (ST. CATHERINE)
356, Come, thou fount of every blessing (NETTLETON)

Patterson, Alleluia, in Jesus Christ

Open your ears, O faithful people

Thomas Tallis, If you love me, keep my commandments
…and I will pray the Father,
and he shall give you another Comforter,
that he may abide with your forever,
even the Spirit of Truth.


Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Arr. Joe Martin, Voluntary on Come, thou fount
Offertory: Flor Peeters, Voluntary on St. Catherine
Postlude: Douglas Wagner, March in G

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Music for 101611

Gathering Song(s)
Jubilate, everybody

Opening Song
Holy is the Lord

Your mercy flows

Speak, O Lord

Amazing grace, alleluia

Sampson, Hallelujah, saved by your mercy

Give thanks

Closing Song
Come, thou fount of every blessing

11 AM
293, This is my Father’s world (TERRA BEATA)
2189, A mother lined a basket (WEST MAIN)
364, I sing a song of the saints of God (GRAND ISLE)

Traditional, Come into God's presence
Carol Choir

2026, Halle, halle, hallelujah (CARIBBEAN HALLELUJAH)

Open your ears, O faithful people

John Horman, Small deeds
Aerie Singers

Cambodian Lord’s Prayer


Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Rudolph, Zuiderveld, Variations on TERRA BEATA
Offertory: Greg Underwood, Allegro spiritoso
Adult Handbells
Postlude: Douglas Wagner, Sortie

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Music for 100911

Gathering Song(s)
Shout to the Lord
Shout to the north

Opening Song

Glory hallelujah

Brown, Hallelujah, your love is amazing

Give thanks

Closing Song
Go forth in his name

11 AM
145, Rejoice, ye pure in heart (MARION)
2236, Gather us in (GATHER US IN)
551, Come, ye thankful people, come (KREMSER)

579, Glory be to the Father (GREATOREX)

John Leavitt, In the shadow of your wings
A setting of Psalm 57
Chancel Choir, Cara Jenkins, oboe


Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Voluntary on Slane
Cara Jenkins, oboe
Offertory: WA Mozart, Church Sonata in F
Libby Barker, flute; Cara Jenkins, oboe

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Music for 100211

Gathering Song(s)
God of wonders
How majestic is your name

Opening Song
Blessed be your name

We sing of your glory


Jesus messiah

Closing Song
Mighty to save

11 AM
272, God of the sparrow (ROEDER)
432, Song of hope (ARGENTINA)

2026, Halle, halle, hallelujah (CARIBBEAN HALLELUJA)


Setting in F Minor, Hal Hopson
During the distribution:
Praise, praise, praise the Lord

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Barbara Harbach, Voluntary on Tokyo (a setting of PH #465)
Offertory: Beethoven, The heavens are telling
Chancel Choir
Postlude: Benedetto Marcello, Psalm XIX

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Music for worship 091811

Gathering Song(s)
Cry of my heart
Come, now is the time to worship

Opening Song
Your grace is enough

Your mercy flows

Norman, Nothing without you/Take my life

Give thanks

Closing Song
Grace alone

11 AM
455, All creatures of our God and King (LASST UNS ERFREUEN)
298, There’s a wideness in God’s mercy (IN BABILONE)
339, Be thou my vision (SLANE)

2043, Celtic Alleluia (CELTIC ALLELUIA)

Arr. Michael Barker, Give me Jesus


Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Beethoven, Andante, from Sonata in F Minor
Offertory: Arr. Manz, In Babilone
Postlude: Martinson, Miriam’s Dance

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Music for worship 091111

Gathering Song(s)
Cantad al senor (PH 472)
Jubilate, everybody

Opening Song
Did you feel the mountains tremble


Barker, Miriam’s song
Sing to the Lord, for God has triumphed gloriously!
Sing to the Lord, for God has triumphed gloriously.

Give thanks

Closing Song
The trees of the field (STF 2279)

11 AM
472, Cantad al Senor (CANTAD)
347, Forgive our sins as we forgive (DETROIT)
2279, The trees of the field (TREES OF THE FIELD)

579, Glory be to the Father (GREATOREX)

Michael Barker, Miriam’s Song
Soloists: Ken Scott, Jr. Wilson Jumper, Susan Banzhoff


Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Arr. John Behnke, Someone’s Praying, Lord

Offertory: Mark Hayes, And the Father will dance (Chancel Choir)
…over you in joy.
He will take delight in whom he loves.
Is that a choir I hear, singing the praises of God?
No, the Lord God himself is exulting over you in song.
And he will joy over you in song.
My soul will make its boast in God,
For he has answered all my cries
His faithfulness to me is as sure as the dawn of a new day.
Awake my soul, and sing:
Let my spirit rejoice in God!
Sing, O daughter of Zion with all of your heart!
Cast away fear, for you have been restored!
Put on the garment of praise, as on a festival day.
Join with the Father in glorious, jubilant song
Zephaniah 3.14, 17; Psalm 34.2, 4

Postlude: Arr John Behnke, Someone’s Singing, Lord

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Music Scholars Fall 2011

Black Mountain Presbyterian Church is pleased to announce its music scholars for Fall 2011. Nathan Hathaway Adams and Imari Jade Scarbrough will each receive $1000 scholarship for tuition and fees at their college, Montreat College this semester. The Music Scholars program allows scholar musicians an opportunity to hone their musical skills in the context of a vital and vigorous music ministry representing a wide variety of musical styles and worship experiences. Scholars participate in one of the church’s adult music ensembles, the Chancel Choir which sings weekly at the 11AM worship service or the Prophets of Praise contemporary ensemble which leads music at the 830AM alternative worship service FirstLight. Mr. Adams will be singing Tenor in the choir; Ms. Scarbrough will be playing violin in the Prophets ensemble.

Nathan Hathaway Adams has been living in Asheville since 2003 and has been performing ever since. He has been very active in the Montford Park Players, and has also self produced some of his own works as a playwright. He is currently pursuing a BA at Montreat College where he is studying music. You can find more at his website,

Ms Scarbrough was born in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania and grew up in Winchester, Virginia. In recent years she moved back to Pennsylvania; this is her third year at Montreat. Soon after graduation, she hopes to move to either North Carolina or southern Virginia. She was homeschooled along with five younger siblings and was on the swim team, soccer team, 4-H, a few orchestras and ensembles, and other activities, even a chess club for awhile. She is a senior communications major now with minors in English and music. She hopes to graduate either next May or August.

For more information about the scholarship program, visit the church’s website or contact Mike Barker, director of music and worship arts at the church via phone (669-7813) or email (

Music for 090411

Gathering Song(s)
Come all you people
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty

Opening Song
You are worthy of my praise

You are my King

Mann, Love one another

We are an offering

Closing Song
They’ll know we are Christians by our love

11 AM
479, Praise my soul, the God of heaven (LAUDA ANIMA)
347, Forgive our sins as we forgive (DETROIT)
335, Though I may speak (O WALY WALY)

Patterson, Alleluia in Jesus Christ


Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Arr. Wilbur Held, Voluntary on Detroit
Offertory: Samuel Coleridge-Taylor, Melody
Postlude: Buxtehude, Toccata in F

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Music for 082811

Gathering Song(s)
Be still
Holy ground

Opening Song
Holy is the Lord

Halle, halle, hallelujah

Speak, O Lord

Yesterday, today and forever

Closing Song
Knowing you

11 AM
488, The God of Abraham praise (LEONI)
Whom shall I send (DEUS TUORUM MILITUM)

2026, Halle, halle, hallelujah (HALLE, HALLE)


Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Arr Callahan, Voluntary on Deus Tuorum Militum

Offertory: Pitoni, Cantate Domino
Cantate Domino, canticum novum,
laus ejus in ecclesia sanctorum.
Laetetur Israel in eo,
qui fecit eum,
et filii Sion exsultent,
in rege suo.

Sing to the Lord a new song,
God’s praise in the assembly of the faithful.
Let all of Israel rejoice now,
in the One who made them,
and children of Zion be joyful,
in God their Sovereign.

Postlude: Lefebure-Wely, Sortie in E-Flat

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Music for worship 081411

Gathering Song(s)
Seek ye first

Opening Song
I will call upon the Lord

Cares chorus

On Jordan’s stormy banks (Andy Gwynn, Lisle Gwynn)

Give thanks

On Jordan's stormy banks (instrumental)

Closing Song
I have decided

11 AM
416, Christ is made the sure foundation (WESTMINSTER ABBEY)
339, Be thou my vision (SLANE)
408, Where cross the crowded ways of life (GERMANY)

579, Glory be to the Father (GREATOREX)

Arr. Hal Hopson, Come, thou fount of every blessing


Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Brethren, We Have Met to Worship Setting by John Carter
Offertory: Be Thou My Vision Setting by John Carter
Postlude: Prelude in B Flat J. S. Bach

Remember, worship at 915AM at BMPCNC this Sunday, and 11AM worship at Anderson Auditorium in Montreat (call time for choristers is 1030AM).


NPR had an article this morning on cross sounds in country music. Big names like Eric Church and Blake Shelton were mentioned as was this song by Jason Aldean:

Yeah, he breaks into rap after about a minute! Of course what comes to my mind is Charlie Daniels and "The Devil went down to Georgia" and what amounted to rap for each verse (he did sing the refrain).

Several years ago when I was putting together bluegrass events at church as bridge events, I had a note by post after one event. "I don't know what you would call it, " referring to Old School Freight Train's set, "but it certainly wasn't bluegrass music." It was definitely bluegrass, but just not your grandfather's bluegrass. OSFT opened shortly thereafter for a major, major act in Nashville, their big breakout performance.

I heard of Mumford and Sons right after they were in Asheville on tour back in spring. Rock + Celtic. This version leaves out (it's just a dead gap) the "dirty word." It's easy enough to find versions of the video that include the complete lyric.

Then the youth used this song by Ben Harper in their photo montage for Summer Mission Sunday last week. African percussion, vocal harmonies, and a little bit of plinky piano, that screamed section about 3/4 way through, a little bit of Delta blues guitar work. Of course, he kind of gives it away in the opening of the video when he walks into a world musical instrument store!

I think one of the best things happening in music these days is the cross-fertilization, or synthesis, or fusion or whatever you want to call it. There's plenty of room for "pure" examples of a genre, but I think growth is happening where the edges blur together. It's been said that JS Bach himself didn't "create" anything new in the baroque sound, he merely synthesized (incredibly) strands that were in the air so to speak. Enjoy!

New piano

I've put a short recording of two Chopin preludes in the Music sidebar. Nick Murphy was one of three performers who helped us break in the new Yamaha piano on the day we dedicated it. The performance is first-rate, and the new piano sounds wonderful!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Music for 080711

Gathering Song(s)
Blessed be your name
Mighty to save

Opening Song
Prince of Peace (You are holy)

Celtic Alleluia

All creatures of our God and king (M Barker, keyboard)

Give thanks

Cambodian Lord’s Prayer

Closing Song
Here I am, Lord

11 AM
465, Here, O Lord, your servants gather (TOKYO)
Lonely the boat (BAI)
525, Here I am, Lord (HERE I AM)

2043, Celtic Alleluia (CELTIC ALLELUIA)

Gounod, Sanctus (from St. Cecelia Mass)
Dr. Kenneth M. Scott, piano


Cambodian Lord’s Prayer

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Arr. Donald Wrytzen, All creatures of our God and king
Offertory: Chopin, Prelude in E Minor
Chopin, Prelude in C Minor
Nick Murphy, piano
Postlude: Pachelbel, Toccata in E Minor

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Review: A sacred place (CD)

Rufino Zaragoza has written a very nice set of music that makes for a deeply contemplative album, "A sacred place" published by Oregon Catholic Press. The pieces feature primarily piano and flute, with 'cello, guitar and percussion (including handbells) on various of the songs. Most of the pieces are idiomatic, but one set is based on "historic melodies." With titles in Spanish, one assumes they are Hispanic in origin, though the liner notes don't provide details. The music doesn't range too far in it's harmonic language nor its technical demands of the performers. As such it is well-suited as contemplative music. + + +

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Worship music 073111

Gathering Song(s)
Great is thy faithfulness
Great is the Lord

Opening Song
Your grace is enough

Your mercy flows

TBA title (M Barker, keyboard)

Give thanks

Amazing grace (Alleluia)

Closing Song
Christ be our light

11 AM
483, Sing praise to God, who reigns above (MIT FREUDEN ZART)
329, Break thou the bread of life (BREAD OF LIFE)
441, I love thy kingdom, Lord (ST. THOMAS)

579, Glory be to the Father (GREATOREX)


Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: David Lasky, Pastorale
Offertory: Cesar Franck, Fantasy in C
Postlude: Arr. Herman Schroeder, Mit Freuden Zart

Friday, July 8, 2011

Music for worship 071011

Gathering Song(s)
Open our eyes, Lord
I will call upon the Lord

Opening Song
Open the eyes of my heart, Lord

Shalom, chaverim

Thy word

Give thanks (STF 2036)

Closing Song
You are the seed

11 AM
473, For the beauty of the earth (DIX)
Once a farmer went out sowing (AR HYD Y NOS)
327, O Word of God incarnate (MUNICH)

576, Glory be to the Father (GREATOREX)


Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Carlo Domeniconi, Koyunbaba, Gordie Murphy, guitar
Offertory: JS Bach, Prelude in C, Gordie Murphy, guitar
Postlude: German, Festive Trumpet Tune

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

New art installation

A couple of years ago we installed these praise figures (above) in our fellowship hall. There are four in total. Our FirstLight worship service had been taking place in there for some time and we felt the need to make the room feel more like a worship space. Fred Barkley designed the figures and with the arts team fabricated them out of foam core board and textured paint. They have become an important if understated part of the room.

Late last year the idea surfaced of replicating the figures somehow for the exterior of our facility. Gene Schimpf had the materials and the equipment to fashion them in stainless steel. Kent Patton recently installed them outside our rear door, where a great number of FirstLight worshipers enter. We are thankful for those named here who have brought about this project, and all who prayed this most recent installation into being.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Long-lived hymns

Christianity Today pulled together information from several hymnals to compile a list of the most-enduring hymns. Here are the top hymns, in alphabetical order, appearing in multiple editions of hymnals from mainline denominations (Anglican {Episcopal}, Baptist, Congregational, Methodist, Presbyterian and Lutheran) as well as four key evangelical hymnals. The article that explains the selection process and criteria is very interesting.

Scoring 28 out of a possible 28 in the CT analysis:
Abide with me: fast falls the eventide
All hail the power of Jesus’ name
Come, ye thankful people, come
Crown him with many crowns
Glorious things of thee are spoken
Guide me, O thou great Jehovah
Holy, holy, holy! Lord God almighty
How firm a foundation
In the cross of Christ I glory
Jesus shall reign where’er the sun
Love divine, all loves excelling
O sacred Head, now wounded
When I survey the wondrous cross

Scoring 27 out of 28 in the CT analysis:
A mighty fortress is our God
All glory, laud, and honor
Come, thou almighty King
Just as I am, without one plea
Now thank we all our God
O, for a thousand tongues to sing
O God, our help in ages past
O, worship the King all glorious above
The church’s one foundation

Curious about the absence of "Amazing Grace?" Read the article and a followup story.
Curious about how CT out this analysis together? Read the article.
Wonder how many of these we've NOT sung at BMPCNC in recent months? Ask me.
Wonder how many of these we've used at our FirstLight service? Ask me.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Review: music by Rob Clearfield

I value very much Louis R. Carlozo's reviews of music for The Christian Century. I've culled his lists before to make my own to-listen-to list. So based on a review of several releases by a single musician, I brought three recordings by Rob Clearfield. (To read the whole review you'll have to register and log on online, or subscribe to CC, find it at a library, or borrow my copy; sorry.)

Paisajes de Sudamerica ( + + + ) is music for guitar quartet hearkening from South America. (Clearfield is one of the players, a student of Alfonso Chaco'n.) I was reminded somewhat of Grete Dollitz' guitar program on the Public Broadcasting station in Richmond; for folks already into guitar music, this will no doubt be a great recording to have. For the rest of us, eh, a little goes a long way. Each of the 10 tracks seems to be a medley of sorts of music from a particular South American country. It's fine as far as it goes, but I could have used a little more help from the liner notes.

This is not the ending ( + + + ) is a recording by Information Superhighway, a "jazz-inflected" group Clearfield leads. Jazz really isn't my realm, so I won't say too much. I didn't find anything impossible to listen to for my taste, but by the same token nothing called out to me to want to hear more.

I was intrigued by an album of worship songs by Clearfield, The beauty that we live in ( + + + ), with vocalist Bethany Hamilton. The lyrics are fine in all the songs (perhaps the best thing going for this album is the poetry), but I got rather weary of a similar melodic contour in several of the songs. Tracks 1, 2 and 4 all use a scale-like pattern as the core of the melody. Track 4, All that you have made, does take an adventuresome harmonic journey in its coda. I found myself wishing for something more substantial musically from these songs though. Track 3, This water, could prove quite useful for baptism services in either a traditional/formal or contemporary/informal setting. I haven't searched for the chart, but hope it's available. The last track, Hands and feet, is very much a jazz sounding song; my teen aged son noticed it right-away. It could find a place in a traditional service in which the jazz idiom is welcomed and has already found a niche, but probably not in a more contemporary service, that being the implication of my son's raised eyebrow and smirk.

Worship Music

The magazine Christianity Today this month has a follow-up pair of articles on worship music. The issue arose with a set of five article in the March 2011 issue. I have found the whole discussion quite helpful in refining my thinking on the function of music in worship and how it's selected.

The series began with John Koessler's article giving a helpful corrective by asserting that the whole point of worship is not about satisfying the individual's needs for a particular style of liturgy or music, but in our need to acclaim God and and God's sovereignty. Penny-ante "wars" over worship and music have no place in the context of what we are truly to be about when we worship.

We think of worship as something that originates with us, our gift to God. Perhaps this is why so many of us are conflicted about it. We consider worship to be an expression of our personal devotion. So when the musical style or some expression gets in the way, we don't feel like it is our worship at all.

Several years ago I read Thomas Day's book Why Catholics can't sing. T. David Gordon seems to have followed-up with a Protestant version of the thesis with Why Johnny can't sing hymns. An insightful interview with him is part of this collection in the March issue of CT. His beef is with a perceived idolatry of that-which-is-contemporary in our worship, especially the fleeting trends in contemporary church music. The interview was a helpful reminder of the sin inherent in jettisoning everything old from our worship.

Another of the 5 articles explores the handful of hymns that keep appearing in published hymnals generation after generation; it was quite revealing and interesting.

The June issue (not available on line yet) has two follow-up articles offered somewhat in response to the first series. Both were helpful. Lawrence Mumford is a composer, teacher and worship leader in CA; his article is a sort of primer in what distinguishes pop worship music from traditional worship music. As an important aside he notes that young listeners hear symphonic music quite a bit when they watch even the newest film releases; that arena is one of the last in which a symphonic composer can make a career. His main point may be that the emotional depth called for by the experience of worship calls for an equally deep (or wide) pool of worship music. D.H. Williams sends a cautionary shot across the bow of worship planners who mimic too closely the entertainment field. I don't think person involved in planning contemporary worship and music have this (entertainment value) as a goal, but it's possible for me to see where such could influence worship/music design and planning where due diligence is not exercised.

CT promises that the discussion of the issue of worship style and music-for-worship style will continue in upcoming issues.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Music for 060511

Gathering Song(s)
He knows my name
All hail the power of Jesus’ name

Opening Song
Blessed be your name

Halle, halle

Here I am, Lord

Alleluia, give thanks

Closing Song
Shine, Jesus shine

11 AM
149, The head that once was crowned (ST. MAGNUS)
423, Jesus shall reign (DUKE STREET)

O’Carroll, Celtic Alleluia

592 Lasst uns erfreuen, With alleluias

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Healy Willan, Andante, from Andante, Fugue and Chorale
Offertory: Healy Willan, God is gone up with a shout (Chancel Choir)
Postlude: Andre Campra, Rigaudon

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Music for worship 052211

Gathering Song(s)
O sing to the Lord

Opening Song

Prayer of Praise Response
Halle, halle, hallelujah

Open your ears, O faithful people

Revelation song

Amazing grace, alleluia

Closing Song
Marvelous light

The day of resurrection (LANCASHIRE)
I love to tell the story (HANKEY)
How great thou art (O STORE GUD)

Prayer of Praise Response
Halle, halle, hallelujah

Open your ears, O faithful people

Handel/Hopson, Praise the Lord

Praise God from whom all blessings flow (with Alleluias)

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: JS Bach, Christ lag in todesbanden
Offertory: Handel, Two Dance Movements, Sonata in E Minor
Libby Barker, flute
Postlude: William Walton, March Crown Imperial

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Worship music for 051511

Gathering Song(s)
Come let us worship and bow down
Here I am to worship

Opening Song
Come, now is the time to worship

Prayer of Praise Response
Alleluia, alleluia (Sinclair)

Haas, The marvels of God

Alleluia, give thanks

Closing Song
You are my all in all

Easter people, raise your voices (REGENT SQUARE)
The King of love my shepherd is (ST. COLUMBA)
Savior, like a shepherd lead us (BRADBURY)

Prayer of Praise Response
106,Alleluia, give thanks

Haas, The marvels of God

Praise God from whom all blessings flow (with Alleluias)

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Howells, Psalm Prelude, XXIII.4
Offertory: Improvisation on Bradbury
Postlude: JS Bach, Today the son of God has triumphed

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Music for worship 050811

Presto in 5/8
Connor Watson, piano

Gathering Song(s)
Open our eyes, Lord
Knowing you

Opening Song
I give you my heart

Prayer of Praise Response
He is Lord

Lead me to the cross

Alleluia, give thanks

Closing Song
Lord, you have come to the lakeshore

108, Christ is alive (TRURO)
377, Lord, you have come to the lakeshore (PESCADOR DE HOMBRES)
344, Christ of the upward way (SURSUM CORDA)

Anonymous, Come into his presence singing alleluia

Prayer of Praise Response
Traditional, He is Lord

Ralph Vaughan Williams, The Call
Ken Scott, Jr., bass soloist

Praise God from whom all blessings flow (with Alleluias)

Benediction Response
Danish, Three-Fold Amen

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: JS Bach, Christ ist erstanden
Offertory: John Rutter, All things bright and beautiful
Chancel Choir
Postlude: Lefebure-Wely, Sortie in B-Flat

Friday, April 22, 2011

Music for Resurrection Sunday, 2011

Thine is the glory
No Walls Instrumental Ensemble

Gathering Song(s)
He is exalted (STF 2070)
Lord, I lift your name on high STF 2088)

Opening Song
That’s why we praise him

Halle, halle, halleluja (STF 2026)

Everlasting God

Responses by Leon Roberts
I will rise

Closing Song
Christ the Lord is risen today (EASTER HYMN)

Christ the Lord is risen today (EASTER HYMN)
Thine is the glory (JUDAS MACCABEAUS)

Response of Praise
Michael Barker, Easter Fanfare and Alleluia
Summit Ringers

2026, Halle, halle, hallelujah (HALLE, HALLE)

Praise God from whom all blessings flow (LASST UNS ERFREUEN)

Music during Communion
Responses by Eslinger
Now the green blade riseth,
Lo, in the grave he lay

Handel, Hallelujah Chorus, from Messiah

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Douglas Wagner, Rondo Jubilate
Adult Handbells, Brass Ensemble
Offertory: Russel Nagy, Now, O Death, where is thy sting
Chancel Choir
Postlude: Louis Vierne, Carillon de Westminster

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Music for 041711 Palm-Passion Sunday

Gathering Song(s)
All glory laud and honor (in procession)

Lord have mercy

How deep the Father’s love for us

What wondrous love is this

Closing Song
The wonderful cross

88, All glory, laud and honor (VALET WILL ISH DIR GEBEN) (in procession)
101, When I survey the wondrous cross (HAMBURG)

Introit/Opening Prayer
John and Phyllis Miller, Donkey
Carol Choir

2277, Lord have mercy (SINGAPURA)

A most gracious display, Ylvisaker
In the garden Jesus bows, Miller
Before the cock crew twice, Pjeturrsson

What wondrous love is this (WONDROUS LOVE)

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Arr. Bulla, Fanfare-Prelude on St. Theodulph
No Walls Instrumental Ensemble
Offertory: Deborah Grovener, O Love divine
Postlude: JS Bach, Prelude in E Minor

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Music for 041011

Gathering Song(s)
Holy, holy, holy
We sing of your glory

Opening Song
How great is our God

Lord have mercy

Create in me a clean heart

Give thanks

Closing Song
I danced in the morning

477, Ye servants of God, your master proclaim (HANOVER)
302, I danced in the morning (SIMPLE GIFTS)
Awake, O Sleeper (MARSH CHAPEL)

2277, Lord have mercy (SINGAPURA)

Carl Nygard, He shall feed his flock
Julia Capps, soprano soloist

Unto God be praise and glory (PICARDY)

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Michael Helman, Prayer for Peace
Adult Handbells
Offertory: Improvisation on Marsh Chapel
Postlude: JS Bach, Little Prelude in E Minor

Virtual Choir 2.0

Eric Whitacre developed the concept of a virtual choir better than a year ago and saw it come to fruition with an Internet performance of his work Lux Arumque last fall. This evening the 2.0 version makes its debut. The first venture included 185 singers; this year's numbers 2052 from 50 countries, with about 400 tenors!

From the WQXR site:

For the Virtual Choir 2.0 Whitacre posted a video online of himself conducting Sleep with a simple piano accompaniment. Choristers were invited to obtain the printed music and record themselves singing their individual part in front of a webcam, following his cues on screen and listening to the accompaniment in earphones. The closing date for entries was December 31, 2010.

In 2010 singers sent video recordings of themselves performing the anthem; Whitacre melded the videos into a single unit and added himself as conductor. The atmospheric nature of Lux Arumque lends itself to less precision than one would expect in other settings, so the piece works just fine. One suspects something similar with the new work, Sleep, and this second venture into virtual choral music. Below is last year's video. Click here and follow the links to listen this evening.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Music for 032711

Gathering Song(s)
Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord
No higher calling

Opening Song
Made me glad

Lord have mercy

Fill my cup Lord

Give thanks

Cambodian Lord’s Prayer

Closing Song
Just a closer walk with thee

306, Fairest, Lord Jesus (CRUSADERS’ HYMN)
303, Jesus, lover of my soul (ABERYSTWYTH)
2158, Just a closer walk with thee (CLOSER WALK)

2277, Lord have mercy (SINGAPURA)

Bob Hudson, Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord
Aerie Singers

Arr. Rhonda, O God our help in ages past

Unto God be praise and glory (PICARDY)

Cambodian Lord’s Prayer

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Arr. Fred Bock, Fill my cup, Lord
Offertory: Parker, Cantilena
Postlude: Rogers, Grand Choeur

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Worship music for 030611

Gathering Song(s)
Shout to the Lord

Opening Song
Shine, Jesus, Shine

Sing alleluia to the Lord

Amazing Grace

Give thanks

Closing Song
Christ beside me

487, When morning gilds the skies (LAUDES DOMINI)
462, Christ, whose glory fills the skies (RATISBON)
2166, Christ beside me (BUNESSAN)

Vicki Hancock Wright, I will praise God
Carol Choir, Cathy McMillan director; Charlotte Sprawls, accompanist

Linda Stassen, Sing Hallelujah to the Lord
Aerie Singers, Mike Barker, director, Emily Wasser, music scholar

Fettke, Beautiful Savior

Praise God from whom all blessings flow (with alleluias)

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Schroeder, Schoenster Herr Jesu
Offertory: Schroeder, Allegretto
Postlude: Joseph Jongen, Choral

Monday, February 28, 2011

Kellin Watson at Coffeehouse

Kellin has been playing music and writing songs for the past 12 years. Releasing her first demo album, Little things in 1998, Kellin got her first taste of recording in a studio. Since then, she released her debut solo indy album, Paper Bird, in December 2003, at 22. Kellin's latest album, No Static includes an array of talented musicians. The album includes a song written by Grammy Award winning Gordie Sampson called Your Place In this World as well as a few guest appearances from members of Afromotive, Sugarhill recording artists The Duhks, local singer-songwriter Tyler Ramsey, and many others.

Will Straughan at Coffeehouse

Will Straughan is a singer-songwriter living in Western North Carolina. A graduate of Trinity College with a degree in English Literature he has also worked as a mentor for the YMCA. Will counts Scott Manring, Nick Drake, Louvin Brothers, Norman Blake, Blind Willie McTell, among his influences. He and John Cloyd Miller of Lo Fi Breakdown and Natalya Weinstein of Lo Fi and Polecat Creek constitute the folk-indie-oldtime-grass trio, Red June. He also is collaborating with Jenny Benford (formerly w/ Jim and Jenny and the Pinetops; Crooked Jades), Brad Hutchison (Greasy Beans; Jim and Jenny and the Pinetops) and Josh Haddix (Greasy Beans; The Whappers) under the name Garbage Bear. He also performs with Eliza Lynn from N/Asheville as well as Lance Mills, from Black Mountain.

Josh Stack at Coffeehouse

Hailing from the Virginia Appalachians, Joshua Stack was raised in a home where there were two kinds of music: Bluegrass and White noise. The bluegrass heritage and tradition colored his understanding of music while Rock and Roll firmly entrenched itself into his expressive tastes. Years of bar gigs, club shows, and even living in Austin to do music full time eventually led him to Asheville where he landed a weekly gig almost as soon as he arrived. Josh’s work in the music industry as a philanthropist with Widespread Panic also led him to MANNA FoodBank in 2008 where he eschewed regular gigs for the fight against hunger. He’s played Bele Chere, Downtown After 5, Mo Daddy’s, Emerald Lounge, and countless venues along the eastern seaboard and between here and Austin. His songwriting is honest, straightforward, and gut punching…a lot of sound for 1 guy and a guitar.

Andy Gwynn at Coffeehouse

Andy Gwynn has lived in Black Mountain since 1983. He is a founding member of the Prophets of Praise band at Black Mountain Presbyterian Church. He has two daughters, Lisle and Emelyn. A retired State employee, these days he builds and repairs African drums in his basement workshop. He writes songs mainly as a hobby and enjoys sharing them with friends.

Shrove Tuesday Singer-Songwriter Coffeehouse: update

Black Mountain Presbyterian Church presents a Shrove Tuesday Singer-Songwriter Coffeehouse on Tuesday March 8 at 7PM at White Horse Black Mountain. There is no fixed charge for the event; there will be a free-will offering with proceeds benefiting the crisis orphanage-nursery, Ministry of Hope, in Lesotho in southern Africa. Singer songwriters appearing in this acoustic concert include Andy Gwynn, Josh Stack, Will Straughan and Kellin Watson. Varieties of coffee and various desserts will be available for purchase also; the food and beverage service will be managed by our own Phil Cogbill. Contact Mike Barker 828-669-2725 for more information.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Music for 022711

Gathering Song(s)
He knows my name
I could sing of your love forever

Opening Song
Lord reign in me

First song of Isaiah (Surely it is God…)


One bread, one body

Closing Song
Change my heart, O God

142, All hail the power of Jesus’ name (CORONATION)
376, Love divine, all loves excelling (BEECHER)

White, Surely it is God who saves me

592, Praise God from whom all blessings flow (OLD HUNDREDTH)

Music during Communion
521, You satisfy the hungry heart (GIFT OF FINEST WHEAT)
506, Deck yourself, my soul with gladness (SCHMUEKE DICH)

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Arr. Philip Gehring, You satisfy the hungry heart
Offertory: John Henry Newman/John Bacchus Dykes, Lead kindly light
Ken Scott, Jr., Libby Barker, Carolyn Konnert
Postlude: Pachelbel, Toccata in E Minor

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Music for worship 022011

Gathering Song(s)
Better is one day

Opening Song
Blessed be your name

Your grace is enough

Thy word

Lead me to the cross

Owens, Praise God form whom all blessings flow

Closing Song
Take my life

479, Praise, my soul, the God of heaven (LAUDA ANIMA)
307, Fight the good fight (DUKE STREET)
274, O God of earth and space (LEONI)

579, Gloria Patri (GREATOREX)

Handel/Hopson, Shout the glad tidings
Shout the glad tidings, O sing to the Lord;
For he hath done marvelous things.
Mighty are his works, wonderful his deeds;
His love and power forever are sure.
The Lord is King, King of all; he rules in might,
O sing for joy; his power and love forever are sure.
Trumpets sound forth his praise
For our victory is won. Sing, O Israel, sing.
The Lord is faithful, let all give praise:
The roar of the sea, all creatures therein.
Sound forth your joy.
God is the Lord, King over all.
See his marvelous works, see his wonderful deeds.
His power and love forever are sure.

592, Praise God from whom all blessings flow (OLD HUNDREDTH)

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Arr. Robert Buckley Farlee, Lauda Anima
Offertory: Arr. George Shearing (d. 2/14/2011), I know that my redeemer lives (Antioch)
Postlude: Handel, Presto, Concerto in F

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

RIP George Shearing

British pianist George Shearing died recently. I happened to hear an interview with him on Fresh Air yesterday. He was talking about working during "the War." (Because he was blind, he was ineligible for military service.) Because other musicians had been conscripted, he remained busier than he could manage. He described a typical day that began at 10AM in the recording studio and concluded about 4AM in the last-to-close piano bar! It reminded me just a little of the one year I tried to make a go of it job-wise without a full-time gig, and instead worked 4 part-time jobs.

One of the first collections of organ music I ever bought was a set of hymn interpretations by Shearing. At the time, I had no idea who he was, and I didn't know what I was buying, in terms of the adventuresome harmonic language. I probably raised a few eyebrows the first time I trotted out those settings. I think without knowing it those hymn settings colored my own development as an improviser and hymn interpreter. I learned it's okay to string along accidentals and added ninths (major and minor) all day long.

I'm planning to play one of my favorites this week, Shearing's setting of the 'old" tune ANTIOCH. The "new" ANTIOCH we sing to the text Joy to the world. But there is an older minor key ANTIOCH (found in The Sacred Harp) that is usually paired with the hymn I know that my redeemer lives. I think it be a fine testament to Shearing and his music style.

I know that my Redeemer lives; glory, hallelujah!
What comfort this sweet sentence gives; glory hallelujah!
Shout on, pray on, we're gaining ground; glory hallelujah!
The dead's alive, and the lost is found; glory, hallelujah!

Hymn Festival update

Here are the hymns to be included in the festival event this coming Sunday at 430PM:

Lead me, guide me (Doris Akers)
How happy is he born and taught (TALLIS' CANON)
Send forth, O God, they light and truth (HOLDEN)
When I can read my title clear (PISGAH)
God is my strong salvation (CHENIES)
Guide me, O thou great Jehovah (REGENT SQUARE)
How firm a foundation (ADESTE FIDELIS and FOUNDATION)
The battle hymn of the republic (BATTLE HYMN)
Lead, kindly light (LUX BENIGNA)
Precious Lord, take my hand (Tomas A. Dorsey)
O God our help in ages past (setting of ST. ANNE by John Rutter)
Lift every voice and sing (J. Rosamund Johnson)

Lead me, guide me: hymns that inspired our nation's leaders will explore the favorite hymns of several US presidents and that of Susan B. Anthony (whose birthday we celebrate this month) and Martin Luther King, Jr., in ackowledgment of Black History Month.

The event will begin with a setting of ENGLEBERG for brass ensemble and handbells. The event is co-sponsored by the Western North Carolina chapter of the American Guild of Organists and the Hymn Society in the United States and Canada. The event is free and open to the public.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Music for worship 021311

Gathering Song(s)
Lord, be glorified
Glorify thy name

Opening Song
Cry of my heart

You are my all in all

Lord, I Want to be a Christian

Give thanks

Closing Song
Refiner’s fire (Purify my heart)

420, God of grace and God of glory (CWM RHONDDA)
372, Lord, I want to be a Christian (I WANT TO BE A CHRISTIAN)
386, O for a world (AZMON)

579, Gloria Patri (GREATOREX)

Mark L. Williams, O Master, let me walk with thee

592, Praise God from whom all blessings flow (OLD HUNDREDTH)

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Walther, Allegro, Concerto in B Minor
Offertory: Walther, Adagio, Concerto in B Minor
Postlude: Walther, Finale, Concerto in B Minor

Monday, February 7, 2011

Red June in commercial

From Will Straughan:
My friend Marc Ryan's film company, Third Story Films, used "Biscuits and Honey" for a cool video blog project they did for Chrysler's facebook page. They traveled from one NFL play off city to another promoting the new Chrysler 200 (they did a commercial for it last night during the game). And no, Red June is not going corporate-just hoping to get a little more exposure. Be sure to check them out

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Music for 020611

Gathering Song(s)
The heart of worship

Opening Song
The wonderful cross

You are my hiding place

Video meditation

Closing Song
Bring for the kingdom of God

263, Immortal, invisible, God only wise (ST. DENIO)
408, Where cross the crowded ways of life (GERMANY)
432, Song of hope (ARGENTINA)

Strathdee, What does the Lord require of you

Alleluia, in Jesus Christ we are forgiven

Handel, Blessed be thy name evermore

592, Praise God from whom all blessings flow (OLD HUNDREDTH)

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Vivaldi, Gavotte, Sonata in C
Libby Barker, flute
Offertory: Vivaldi, Gigue, Sonata in C
Postlude: Handel, Voluntary and Fugue in C

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The pump organ, part 1

I began work today cleaning the pump organ that used to be the primary musical instrument at our church. The organ had reverted to the family of its donors at some point, moved around some, and most recently was in a home on Dougherty Street here in town. Last year, the family sold that home and gave the organ back to the church. I also have done a little research on the building. We are in possession of #12295 built by the Shipman Organ Company of High Point, NC. Apparently they were active from about 1905 through the mid 1920's. The organ was returned to us with a bench; it doesn't seem to be original to the instrument, but may serve its purpose with a little cleaning and replacing the cushion covering.

I am beginning a "restorative cleaning" of the instrument. I am going to clean the exterior and poke around the interior just a bit to make sure everything inside is fairly secure. I can tell already that the thin piece of wood that covers the base of the instrument is in sad shape. I'm going to see how best to deal with it: leave it alone (and let is possibly disintegrate) or replace it. Otherwise I'm just going to clean the exterior and probably re-glue the sharps (they are in two pieces, glued together and most of them have snapped apart.) Not too big a deal to repair. Several of the decorative elements of the case have been removed; I plan to clean and reattach them. The straps that connect the foot treadles to the bellows are broken. I think I'll leave them alone. The bellows are probably leaky, and I intend to leave them alone also. John Dower's firm (who curate the Reuter pipe organ) have some experience re-leathering pump organ bellows, so I may investigate having them do that on this instrument if I can find the funds.
Today I mostly just vacuumed the exterior and interior and sorted pieces. The decorative elements all seem to be present. The lid for the keyboard has come apart. I think I can re-glue it with not too much hassle. Then it will be a job for Murphy's Oil Soap and elbow grease.
Stay tuned...

Friday, January 28, 2011

Music for 013011

Gathering Song(s)
How great is our God

Opening Song
Holy is the Lord

2043, Celtic alleluia

Speak, O Lord

Mighty to save

Lord’s Prayer (Strathdee)

Closing Song
Go forth in his name

473, For the beauty of the earth (DIX)
369, I’m gonna live so God can use me (I’M GONNA LIVE)
Go forth and preach the gospel (ELLACOMBE)

2043, Celtic Alleluia (CELTIC ALLELUIA)

Arr. Gordon Young, Built on the rock
Text by Nicolai Grundtvig

Praise God from whom all blessings flow (OLD HUNDREDTH)

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Vivaldi, Gavotte, Sonata in C
Libby Barker, flute
Offertory: Vivaldi, Gigue, Sonata in C
Postlude: Bach-Vivaldi, Concerto in A minor

Thursday, January 27, 2011

From a friend of mine, Allen Bean, a church musician in Richmond, VA...

A week ago I asked a boy chorister to remove his watch, which he kept checking during rehearsal. This week he showed me his bare arm at the beginning of rehearsal. I commended him. He said, "But I think you cursed me. There's rash where I wear my watch." I replied, "No. I don't have the power to do that." Another boy says, "O yes you do. You have the power of music, which is the most powerful force on earth."

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Music for 012311

Gathering Song(s)
Holy, holy, holy
We sing of your glory
Step by step

Opening Song

I give you my heart

Salvation belongs to our God

Give thanks

Closing Song
The Summons

466, O for a thousand tongues to sing (AZMON)
2130, The Summons (KELVINGROVE)
343, Called as partners in Christ’s service (BEECHER)

579, Glory be to the Father (GREATOREX)

Craig Curry, I heard the voice of Jesus
Words by Hoartius Bonar, 1864
I heard the voice of Jesus say, “Come unto Me and rest;
Lay down, thou weary one, lay down Thy head upon My breast.”
I came to Jesus as I was, weary and worn and sad;
I found in Him a resting place, and He has made me glad.

I heard the voice of Jesus say, “Behold, I freely give
The living water; thirsty one, stoop down, and drink, and live.”
I came to Jesus, and I drank of that life giving stream;
My thirst was quenched, my soul revived, and now I live in Him.

I heard the voice of Jesus say, “I am this dark world’s Light;
Look unto Me, thy morn shall rise, and all thy day be bright.”
I looked to Jesus, and I found in Him my Star, my Sun;
And in that light of life I’ll walk, till traveling days are done.

591, Praise God from whom all blessings flow (OLD HUNDREDTH)

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Michael Sullivan, Adagio espressivo
Offertory: Henri Mulet, Petit Offertoire
Postlude: Henry Purcell, Voluntary in C

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hymn Festival

The American Guild of Organists and the Hymn Society are co-sponsoring a hymn festival Sunday afternoon 2/20/11 at 430PM at Black Mountain Presbyterian Church. The festival will be called "Lead Me; Guide Me: Hymns that inspired our nation's leaders." Drawing on research exploring the favorite hymns of our country's presidents, we have developed a service that explores these and other important hymns in our national life. Planners of the events are Mike Barker and Mel Bringle who is also chair of the Presbyterian Committee on Congregational Song (the new hymnal and other resources for our denomination). The event will be free and open to all.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Music for 011611

Gathering Song(s)
Made me glad
We fall down

Opening Song
Jesus Messiah

You are my king (Amazing love)

Be thou my vision

Our God is here

Distribution: There is a Redeemer

Closing Song
Sing alleluia to the Lord (STF 2258)

150, Come, Christians, join to sing (MADRID)
434, Today we all are called to be disciples (KINGSFOLD)

Hopson, We are forgiven

592, Praise God from whom all blessings flow (OLD HUNDREDTH)

Music during Communion
Great Thanksgiving: Eslinger

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Pachelbel, Fantasy in G Minor
Offertory: Arr. Douglas Wagner, Christ is made the sure foundation
A setting of the text found at PH#417
Postlude: Buxtehude, Fugue in D

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Music for 010911

Gathering Song(s)
The first song of Isaiah

Opening Song
Wade in the water

Your mercy flows

How firm a foundation

Give thanks

Closing Song
Here I Am, Lord

371, Lift high the cross (CRUCIFER)
2107, Wade in the water (WADE IN THE WATER)
525, Here I Am, Lord (HERE I AM)

2030, The first song of Isaiah (FIRST SONG)

Spiritual, Take me to the water

592, Praise God from whom all blessings flow (OLD HUNDREDTH)

Instrumental/Organ Music
Prelude: Arr. Barbara Harbach, Wade in the Water
Offertory: Jacques Boyvin, Duo
Postlude: Jacques Boyvin, Plein Jeu Continu